HLPE StC Renewal - Call for Nominations - 2014


The Steering Committee of the High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is to be renewed in 2015, for a 2-year term starting at the closure of CFS42 (2015) and ending at closure of CFS44 (2017).

A call for nomination of experts is open from 3 November 2014 to 31 January 2015 (3 months).

The letter from the CFS Chair and Secretary, calling for nominations, is available to download here [or in AR, ES, FR, RU].

Nominations can be submitted by all CFS members, participants and stakeholders. The selection process will be carried out following the procedure detailed here.

Nominators shall request their specific, dedicated, password-protected access to the nomination site by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The given login and password will be specific to each nominating country or organization.

The nomination procedure is entirely web-based via an online application form.

Nominating parties are requested to ensure that the experts they nominate are effectively ready to serve as Steering Committee members, should they happen to be actually appointed by the CFS Bureau at the end of the procedure.

All candidates will be contacted by the Secretariat and requested to fill an additional online personal form.

The list of nominees shall remain confidential and will not be disclosed by the secretariat, to the exception of five members of the Ad-hoc technical selection committee.

Details about the roles and functions of the HLPE, and of its Steering Committee, and their working methods, are found in the following documents, which nominating entities are invited to consult:

Steering Committee members participate in the HLPE in their individual capacity, and not as representative of their government, organization or employer.

They are appointed for a term of office of two years, renewable consecutively only once.

During their mandate, Steering Committee members are expected to dedicate a substantial amount of their time to the HLPE. Actual time-requirements will depend on the capacities of experts and by the circumstances, as well as on the work program of the HLPE as requested by the CFS. Time dedication is expected not to be lower than 20 days per year, travel included. This figure doubles at least for the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Steering Committee. Their travel-related expenses to attend Steering Committee meetings will be borne by the CFS/HLPE Secretariat. Steering Committee members are not otherwise compensated for their work.

The first meeting of the 3rd HLPE Steering Committee will take place in Rome during the first week of November 2015. All Steering Committee members will be requested to attend.

Continuity and change in the Steering Committee membership

Current Steering Committee members eligible for reappointment can candidate directly. Their candidatures will be considered by the ad-hoc technical selection committee, together with the new candidates.

Timeline of the process

  • 3rd November 2014 - Launch of the call for nominations to the StC
  • November 2014-Jan 2015 - Call for nomination
  • 31 December 2015 - Constitution of the ad-hoc technical selection committee. Deadline for RBAs, CGIAR and CSM to give the name of their representatives.
  • 31 January 2015 - Closure of the call for nominations
  • 31 January 2015 - HLPE StC Chair transmits to the Ad-hoc technical selection committee the list of names of current members who candidate for a new term.
  • 15 February 2015 - Nominated experts to fill their online form and send their CVs (Deadline).
  • 1-15 March 2015 - Secretariat to compile information received
  • 15 March 2015 - Information sent to the ad-hoc technical selection committee
  • 1-15 April 2015 - Meetings of the ad-hoc technical selection committee
  • 15 April 2015 - Transmission of the proposal of the ad-hoc technical selection committee to the CFS Bureau
  • May/June 2015 - Decision by the CFS Bureau.
  • 1-31 July 2015 - Non-objection procedure
  • August 2015 - Publication of the list of new Steering Committee members
  • 18 October 2015 - Beginning of the term of the 3rd HLPE StC
  • 1st week of November - 2015 StC Meeting