International Colloquium - 27 September 2016 / Hohenheim


In 2015 the international community achieved a new milestone with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 2 focuses explicitly on food and nutrition security, while other SDGs address further relevant aspects of agriculture and food systems.

Against the background of this renewed global commitment to sustainable food security and nutrition, the HLPE has co-organized with the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) an International Colloquium inviting scientists and experts from public institutions, civil society and the private sector to discuss the challenges that the 2030 Agenda implies for science and knowledge with regard to food systems. The Results of this dialogue will contribute to the upcoming global consultation process for the identification of “Critical and Emerging Issues for Food Security and Nutrition”.

The event will take place in Stuttgart on the 27th of September 2016.

The event will be webcast - you can follow it live here!

All other details can be found here