Launch of the HLPE Report #10 - 1 July 2016


Launch of the HLPE Report #10 - 1 July 2016 @ 9.30 Red Room, FAO HQ.

The HLPE is pleased to announce that the official launch of its 10th report: Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?, will take place Friday 1 July 2016 in FAO HQ (Red room).

The event will be chaired by the Chair of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), HE Amb. Amira Gornass.


Full report available now in English!

Summary and Recommendations available in all the languages!

[AR] - [CH] - [EN] - [ES] - [FR] - [RU]

Download the provisional agenda of the launch here

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the room in the 6 official languages

No registration is required: please contact the HLPE Secretariat if you need a building pass to enter FAO Headquarters