Launch of the HLPE Report #12 - Outcomes of the Launch during CFS!


This report is the result of the collective work of an international project team of scientists, with diverse expertise, led by Dr Jessica Fanzo, principal researcher at Johns Hopkins University. It is the first time that CFS will consider and discuss malnutrition in all its forms undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight and obesity, and encompass all the elements of food systems – including the food supply chain, the food environment and the consumer behaviour altogether.

Her Excellency Amira Gornass, CFS Chairperson, affirmed that this HLPE report is a “milestone in reviewing the current scientific evidence” in the area of nutrition, and brings a solid technical background to support CFS workstream on nutrition”. Further more, Amb. Gornass underlined how the HLPE report will constitute for CFS a basis for successive policy discussion and consensus building on very important guidance for improving nutrition and food security.

All documents of the launch of the HLPE Report on Nutrition and food systems (10 October 2017 @ 10.00 Plenary Room, FAO HQ) are now available!

Webcast of the event -- Photos of the event
Download the full Report here in English

Summary and Recommendations are also available in all the languages:
[AR] - [CH] - [EN] - [ES] - [FR] - [RU]