Outcomes of the International Seminar in CAAS!


The international seminar on Sustainable Food Security and Nutrition Under Agriculture Transformation and Urbanization was hosted by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and  co-organized by the Agricultural Information Institute (AII) of CAAS and the HLPE.

This seminar discussed the ongoing changes in agriculture and food systems, in a context of urbanization and rural transformations, and their impacts on food security and nutrition (FSN) in China and in the World.

This event, chaired by Professor Mei Fangquan, former Director General of AII of CAAS and HLPE Steering Committee member, attracted a large audience, including academics, journalists, officials from Chinese government, representatives of FAO and WFP, representatives of private corporations or private foundations.

Here you may download the summary of the outcomes of the event.

Pdfs of the presentations are available here:

Furthermore, here below are a number of articles which were on the media after the seminar:

A chinese version of the HLPE Key Elements was also produced for the occasion.