Steering Committee 2015-2017 - Members Appointed


Following the decision of the CFS Bureau in May 2015 and the closure of the non-objection period, we are glad to confirm the appointment, by the CFS Bureau,* of the 15 following experts to constitute the third Steering Committee of the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (CFS-HLPE):

  • Mr Allahoury, Amadou (Niger)
  • Mr Caron, Patrick (France)
  • Ms Fresco, Louise (the Netherlands)
  • Ms Hewitt, Joanna (Australia)
  • Ms Kalafatic, Carol (USA)
  • Ms Kennedy, Eileen (USA)
  • Mr Khan, Muhammad Azeem (Pakistan)
  • Mr Kliksberg, Bernardo (Argentina)
  • Mr Mei, Fangquan (China)
  • Mr Noori Naeini, Mohammad Saeid (Iran)
  • Mr Pimbert, Michel (United Kingdom)
  • Mr Rivera Dommarco, Juan Ángel (Mexico)
  • Ms Sepúlveda, Magdalena (Chile)
  • Mr Yemefack, Martin (Cameroon)
  • Mr Zurayk, Rami (Lebanon)

Members of the Steering Committee participate in the work of the HLPE in their individual capacities, and not as representatives of their respective governments, institutions or organizations.

The short bios of the members are available here.

The third HLPE Steering Committee will initiate its two-year term after the closure of CFS 42, on 15 October 2015.

* This list has been updated on 15th October 2015 by the CFS Bureau, following the unavailability of Mr Khor (Malaysia), for personal reasons.