Call for experts on urban and peri-urban food systems, food security and nutrition

Urban and peri-urban FSN

07 June 2004, Bangkok, Thailand - A street vendor selling cooked food from a mobile stall on the streets of Bangkok. All over Thailand people eat from stalls where food is cooked in the open air where standards of hygiene are generally excellent.

©FAO/Dan White


The CFS HLPE-FSN is looking for ad hoc experts to draft the report on: “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation”, to be to be launched in June 2024.

Send your application to become an HLPE-FSN expert using this link

All applications will be treated confidentially.

Deadline: 31 January 2023

The selected experts will be responsible to contribute, according to the agreed division of responsibilities and disciplinary background as guided by the team leader, to the preparation of the report and the submission of its successive drafts and deliverables, in close collaboration with the HLPE-FSN Steering Committee, made up of 15 world-renowned scientists in a variety of food security and nutrition related fields, and in coordination with the HLPE-FSN Secretariat.

Selected experts will be co-authors of the HLPE-FSN flagship report and will participate in the CFS public debate on strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems as part of the HLPE-FSN.

Selected experts will participate in the work of the HLPE-FSN in their individual capacities, not as representatives of their respective governments, institutions or organizations.

The HLPE-FSN Steering Committee will ensure that the final composition of the report's drafting team ensures diversity of required scientific competencies, as well as the best possible age, gender and geographical representation balance, as well as a compact and functional team. The competencies available within the team will be complemented by those available within the HLPE-FSN Steering Committee. It is expected that two face-to-face or hybrid meetings of three days each will be organized during the elaboration of the report, complemented by weekly or bi-weekly virtual meetings. The assignments are unremunerated, although all related expenses will be covered by the HLPE-FSN Secretariat.

Among  specific responsibilities of selected experts are the following:

  • participate in virtual and face-to-face project team meetings;
  • provide timely written inputs and other contributions to the successive drafts of the HLPE-FSN report;
  • contribute to addressing comments received at different stages of the report preparation and undertake revisions of the report as directed by the Team Leader;
  • contribute to the presentation of the report in different events and fora and contribute to further outreach and dissemination; and
  • follow the guidelines of the HLPE-FSN working processes, which ensure legitimacy among stakeholders and a high degree of scientific quality, involving broad stakeholder consultations and the incorporation of different forms of knowledge and expertise, as well as a rigorous scientific peer-review process. For more detailed information on the HLPE-FSN report  process, please consult Section 2 of HLPE-FSN procedures.


Candidates will need to be renowned scientists and experts in urban and peri-urban food systems and food security and nutrition. Among specific technical areas and their linkage to food security and nutrition that may be represented in the team are the following:

  • Urban and peri-urban food security;
  • Health and nutrition;
  • Sustainable urban development;
  • Rural and urban development;
  • Food systems and food supply chains;
  • Rural-urban development and governance;
  • Urban planning and related legal aspects;
  • Sociology;
  • Economics;
  • Political sciences;
  • Gender analysis;
  • Human rights (especially the right to food);
  • Statistics; and
  • Indigenous knowledge.

Candidates should possess the following:

  • ability to work well in diverse and remote teams;
  • excellent oral and written communication skills  in English, especially to policy audiences;
  • interpersonal skills and ability to work in teams;
  • ability to work under pressure and respect tight deadlines; and
  • previous experience in writing reports and documents to inform food security and nutrition policy.

Candidates must note that the time commitment to the project is expected to be around 10 percent equivalent full time, with peak periods at critical stages of the report preparation process. Young experts are encouraged to apply.

To apply to the HLPE-FSN Call for experts, please click here. Deadline for applications is 31 January 2023.


During its 50th plenary session (10-13 October 2022), the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) included a request to the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) to produce a report on “Strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems to achieve food security and nutrition in the context of urbanization and rural transformation” to be presented in June 2024.

Rationale of the report

1. Growing urbanization, combined with the reorientation of urban and peri-urban agricultural lands to more profitable uses, have been gradually leading to a “geographical decoupling” of urban areas from sources of food supply, posing higher risks for food security and nutrition. In the absence of specific food systems planning across the rural-urban continuum, the sale and consumption of highly processed foods is growing in most urban centers, while local commerce that delivers healthy, fresh food at affordable prices is neglected, with negative impacts on food security and nutrition.

2. Urban and peri-urban agriculture is an important option with potential positive impacts on dietary diversity, quality of city spaces and community action and empowerment. Yet, in most cities, there is little state support for it. Instead, current regulations in urban areas and the market value of land limit the opportunities for local production.

3. With almost sixty percent of the global population currently living in urban areas, it is imperative to address the challenges of urbanization in relation to rural transformation to “build back better” in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of climate change and conflicts. The current multi-layered global food crisis points to the importance and potential of the territorial dimension of food systems – addressing poverty and inequality, building resilience and social inclusion and fostering sustainable livelihoods.

The objective of the workstream is to create a set of policy recommendations on strengthening urban and peri-urban food systems in the context of urbanization and rural transformation:

  • to achieve the CFS vision, SDG2, and an array of other SDGs, including SDGs 1, 10 and 11;
  • to encourage the coordination of policies for food security and nutrition across rural, urban and peri-urban areas, taking into account the specific needs of diverse rural and urban contexts and the linkages between.

The text of the CFS request is available here. The full rationale of the topic is exposed here.

To apply to the HLPE-FSN drafting team expert call, please click here.
Deadline for applications is 31 January 2023.