Launch of the HLPE-FSN Report “Data collection and analysis tools for FSN” - 16 September 2022

Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition

A little girl is being tested for malnutrition with mid upper arm circumference test (MUAC)

©WFP/Muna Abdelhakim


The CFS High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) is pleased to announce that the official launch of its 17th report: "Data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition" will take place on Friday, 16 September 2022, in FAO HQ, plenary hall, at 14:30 CEST.

The event will be chaired by the CFS Chairperson Ambassador Gabriel Ferrero, and the report presented by the HLPE-FSN Project Team leader Carlo Cafiero.

If you will attend the event in-person and require help obtaining a building pass to enter FAO Headquarters, please contact the HLPE-FSN Secretariat. For online participation, please register on Zoom.

🌐 Interpretation will be provided in AR, EN, ES, FR, RU, ZH.

📘 Read the executive summary.

📺 Follow the webcast live.

👥 Follow the conversation: #data4FSN


14.30 Welcome address (video-recorded) by Mr QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General
14.35 Opening by the CFS Chairperson
14.40 Introduction to the Report
Bernard Lehmann, HLPE-FSN Steering Committee Chairperson
14.45 Content and main findings of the Report
Carlo Cafiero, HLPE-FSN drafting team leader
15.30 Question-and-answer session
Discussion moderated by the CFS Chair
16.50 Address by Ismahane Elouafi, FAO Chief Scientist
16.55 Concluding remarks by the CFS Chair
17.00 End of the meeting