The global community is falling short on Agenda 2030’s sustainable
development goals (SDG), especially on ending hunger and malnutrition
in all its forms (SDG 2). The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and
exacerbated the challenges that food systems were already facing and
made it obvious that urgent and radical reforms are needed to guarantee
the fundamental human right to adequate food for all.
In this bold and forward-looking report, the HLPE’s Steering Committee sets out an analytical and conceptual framework and suggests strategic orientations for a radical transformation of food systems. The report calls for agency and sustainability to be elevated as essential dimensions of food security and nutrition (FSN), together with availability, access, utilization and stability. Concrete solutions to ensure the right to food will require major policy shifts to make this radical transformation of food systems possible, according to different contexts, while acknowledging the complexity of their interactions with other sectors and understanding better the drivers of hunger and malnutrition.
As a decisive Food Systems Summit will
gather the world’s heads of state and governments in 2021, it is vital
that the global community seize this moment to adopt new food system
frameworks, which will not only be more resilient to crises, but also more
equitable and inclusive, empowering and respectful, regenerative, healthy
and nutritious, as well as productive and prosperous for all. This radical
transformation is urgently needed in order to eradicate hunger and all
forms of malnutrition as a fundamental part of achieving all SDGs.