Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition


13 October 2014
Civil Society Mechanism: Global Network Climate-smart agriculture and gender – evidence for the Right to Food equitable, food secure and sustainable agriculture and Nutrition: The Right to Adequate Food in 2024 - A Concrete Utopia
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department:Securing Sustainable Small Scale Fisheries: Implementation of the VG SSF Guidelines and the role of local, national, regional, and international organizations
See the slideshow in Flickr

13 October 2014
The Swedish International Development Agency, Swedish Ministry of Rural
Affairs & Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative: Collaboration-Led Waste Reduction: From Producer to Consumer
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom: Women-Food Security-Peace & Conflict
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Right to Food Team: Right to Food Justiciability in perspective
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Global Partners: IPC – 10 Years of multi-partner collaboration towards better food security decisions and country impact
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation & Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture: Getting into action on Food Losses and Waste!
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Private Sector Mechanism: The Contribution of Fisheries and Aquaculture to Food Security
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Learning from Africa's Year of Agriculture and Food Security: Country Implementation and Global Implications
See the slideshow in Flickr

14 October 2014
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Food security and Nutrition through the Sustainable Use and Innovation based on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and Farmers' Rights
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Interministerial Chamber of Food and Nutrition Security from Brazil - CAISAN: National Strategies for the Eradication of Hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition in Latin America
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Civil Society Mechanism: Keeping it local - Key to unlocking the potential of reducing food waste
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives: Cooperatives and producer organizations: key to an efficient family farming sector
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
National Fund For Education Development, Ministry Of Education, Brazil: School Nutrition: Strengthening local food systems through education, nutrition, health and social control
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Civil Society Mechanism: Towards an innovative monitoring mechanism of CFS: monitoring the CFS Tenure Guidelines and the Agenda for Action for Food Security in Protracted Crisis
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Africa Group of Representatives and Pan African Farmers’ Organization: Transforming African Agriculture: Who and How? Implementing the orientations of the AU, CFS and the IYFF
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
UN Standing Committee on Nutrition The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) and sustainable food systems in the Post 2015 era
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
WFP: Innovative investments in agriculture and food security to reduce climate risk and enhance resilience
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Global Donor Working Group on Land: The Global Donor Working Group on Land – Improving donor coordination to amplify impact
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Private Sector Mechanism: Building Cohesion on Talent Development
See the slideshow in Flickr

15 October 2014
Agriculture for Impact & the Overseas Development Institute: Linking smallholders to markets better: lessons from working models
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy and Global Donor Platform for Rural Development: Impact of food safety on nutrition security
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
Civil Society Mechanism: The World Consultative Committee of the IYFF-2014: The IYFF-2014 and beyond: what family farmers have reached and what are the next challenges
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
FAO: ESP: Financial Inclusion for Food Security
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
Private Sector Mechanism: Food Safety and Quality: Essential Ingredients in the Recipe for Food Security Supporting Family Farming
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva: Harnessing Trade for Food Security
See the slideshow in Flickr

16 October 2014
FAO Forestry Department and Forest and Farm Facility: Forests and Family Farming for Food Security and Nutrition
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
Private Sector Mechanism: Smallholders' access to inputs in Africa
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
FAO Food for Cities Network: City Region Food Systems - Sustainable Food Systems and Urbanization
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
FAO, IFAD & WFP: Building resilience for food security and nutrition in high-risk contexts: how the Rome-Based Agencies and partners approach resilience in their collaboration
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
Government of Indonesia and Government of the Netherlands: Global Action Network for Blue Growth and Food Security
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
IFPRI and UN-ESCWA: Building Resilience to Crises in the Arab World
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
FAO Partnerships: Family Farming Interventions to close the gender gap: Lessons from Africa
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
Civil Society Mechanism: International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC): Agroecology: a resilient model of production for food security
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
Inter-agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy: Social and Solidarity Economy for Improved Food Security and Nutrition
See the slideshow in Flickr

17 October 2014
International Land Coalition: What kind of land governance best supports family farmers and small-scale food producers
See the slideshow in Flickr