Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting 2018-19

Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting

22 July 2019, 14.00 - 17.00, Iraq Room, FAO

Outcomes and MYPOW document

Provisional Agenda

Background Documents:


Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting

3 June 2019 09:30-12:30 & 14:00 - 17:00

IFAD, Oval Room

Outcomes Bureau and Advisory Group - 3 June 2019

Background documents:

Bur/AG/2019/06/03/00 Provisional Agenda

Bur/AG/2019/06/03/01 CFS Multi-Year Programme of Work for 2020-2023

Bur/AG/2019/06/03/02 CFS 46 Session Overview


Bureau and Advisory Group Meeting

14 May 2019 09:30-12:30

Ethiopia Room

Outcomes Bureau & Advisory - 14 May 2019


Provisional Agenda

Written inputs provided by Bureau and Advisory Group members on potential follow-up meeting on sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition.

UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food


04 March 2019 09:30-12:30 and 14:00-16:00

German Room

Outcomes Bureau & Advisory - 4 March 2019  

Provisional Agenda

01a MYPoW document - Prioritization

01b MYPoW Annotated Workplan

01c MYPoW structure and progress (Annex B Evaluation)

02 CFS 46 Draft Provisional Agenda, Timetable and Planning Notes

03 Multistakeholders Partnerships - Options Paper

04 Workstream Updates



28 January 2019 09:30-12:30
German Room

Outcomes Bureau & Advisory - 28 January 2018

Provisional Agenda

01 - CFS 46 Draft Provisional Agenda and Planning Notes 

02 - Proposal for piloting a more efficient Side Events Request Process for CFS 46

03 - Sustainable Forestry and Food Security and Nutrition - Follow up

04 - Agroecological Approaches Proposal

05 - CFS Workstream Updates


23 November 2018 09:30-13:00 and 14:00-15:00
Oval Room, IFAD

Outcomes Bureau & Advisory - 23 November 2018

Provisional Agenda

01 – Feedback on CFS 45


02 – Draft Workplans CFS Workstreams


03 – Sustainable Forestry for FSN – Follow-up


04 – Multistakeholder Partnerships – Follow-up


05 – Advisory Group Reporting Exercise


06a – CFS Calendar for 2019

06b – BurAG Content Plan for 2019

Written inputs provided by Bureau and Advisory Group members on potential follow-up meeting on sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition.

Costa Rica


Bur/AG Meetings 2018-19

Bur/AG Meetings 2017-18


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