Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

Health Talks on Food Safety: Empowering consumers to access safe food

Virtual, | 08/06/2022

organized by the Consumers International


Consumers are at the heart of food safety; it is their health and lives that are put at risk by unsafe food. Yet there is potential for consumer voices to play a far stronger role in developing food safety solutions – such as improving consumer information and education; shaping standards at national and international level; and transforming supply chains to guarantee access to safe food. This session aims to provide an initial platform for this cross-cutting engagement, bringing together a range of stakeholders to explore the value that a consumer rights lens can bring to food safety solutions.

Session objectives

  • To platform consumer perspectives on food safety solutions, highlighting the role of changing consumer choices, but also the actions needed across food systems to make safe food accessible for all.
  • To facilitate engagement between food safety stakeholders from diverse geographic contexts, through the lens of consumer rights and needs.
  • To highlight the value that consumer advocates can bring to food safety solutions-building, both through the work they are already doing, and through future opportunities to deepen engagement.


  • Chris Hegadorn, Secretary, Committee on World Food Security;
  • Saree Aongsomwang, Secretary-General, Foundation for Consumers;
  • Vincent Doumeize, Director, Food Programme Lloyd's Register Foundation;
  • Simone Moraes Raszl; Scientist, WHO; and 
  • Charlie Worthington, Food Specialist, Consumers International.