Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

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Rome, Italy, 15-20 October 2012

Photos and presentations from the Sessions

Available in original language only

Opening session - Monday 15 October

Setting the Stage for CFS 39

See the photos in a slideshow

State of Food Insecurity (SOFI) - Presentation to CFS

  The State of Food Insecurity in the World Economic growth necessary, but not sufficient to accelerate reduction of hunger and malnutrition

Coming to terms with terminology - Presentation to CFS

  Coming to terms with terminology

Global and regional initiatives and linkages with CFS

  • Facilitator, David Nabarro
  • AUC (African Union Commission) ECA (Economic Commission for Africa) AfDB (African Development Bank) Land Policy Initiative: Joan Kagwanja, Chief, Land Policy Initiative
  • GCARD (Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development): Mark Holderness, Executive Secretary of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research
  • G20 2012: Ambassador Miguel Ruiz-Cabañas Izquierdo, Permanent Representative of Mexico
  • AMIS - Agricultural Market Information System: David Hegwood. Senior Food Security Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development
  • New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition: Jonathan Shrier, Acting Special Representative for Global Food Security
  • Rio+20 follow up: M. Ann Tutwiler, Deputy Director-General (Knowledge)

Global and regional initiatives and linkages with CFS

See the photos in a slideshow

Friday, 19 October

  Special session on country and regional experiences

14.30-16.00 (parallel)

The National Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Iraq (NSPRI)

  Poverty Reduction Strategy in Iraq - Presentation

14.30-16.00 (parallel)

Alba Alimentos

  Alba - TCP (English)

  Alba - TCP (Spanish)


Harmonization of Food Security and Nutrition Actions Mapping

  Monitoring, mapping and follow-up presentation

  Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support Systems (ReSAKSS)

  IPC overview

Special Session: The National Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Iraq (NSPRI)

See the photos in a slideshow

Special Session: Alba Alimentos

See the photos in a slideshow