Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

CFS 47 Side Events

To enrich and complement the CFS 47 and to give its partners and stakeholders an opportunity to highlight their work, CFS will organize 12 virtual side events over the four days – 3 per day, in parallel during the lunch break. See full schedule of CFS 47 Side Events

For any queries on side event matters please consult the CFS Secretariat at: [email protected].


Title: Transforming agricultural innovation for people, nature and climate: Evidence insights for COP26 and the Food Systems Summit.

  • UK
  • Thailand
  • FAO
  1. An understanding about the need to transform agricultural innovation systems to achieve SDGs related to food, climate and the environment. - Best practice approaches to transform agricultural innovation systems, based on experiences of champions
  2. Key evidence gaps related to agroecology, biodiversity and agriculture, end-to-end approaches, and investment flows and gaps, and messages from rapid evidence reviews to address these gaps.
  3. An understanding about making commitments/contributions/pledges to transform agricultural innovation systems aligned to COP26 and the UN Food Systems Summit.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Exploring the application of CFS instruments to address gender, youth, inequality and data systems in small-scale fisheries.

  • FAO
  • International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
  • Norway
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Worldfish
  1. Draw attention to the mutually reinforcing nature of CFS normative instruments and the SSF Guidelines and the benefits of their synergistic implementation to enhance the contribution of small-scale fisheries to food security and nutrition and fulfill their shared common goal of the progressive realization of the right to adequate food.
  2. Equip participants with inspiring practical examples of how the implementation of the CFS instruments and the SSF Guidelines can improve the issues of gender, youth, inequality and data systems for small-scale fisheries in sustainable food systems.
  3. Draw attention to the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) that will take place in 2022, and explore how it can support the uptake of CFS instruments in the context of small-scale fisheries.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: How COVID-19 affected school feeding programmes and how to strengthen them post-COVID, including through home-grown school meals.

  • Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC)
  • National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE)
  • WFP Centre of Excellence Brazil (WFP CoE Brazil)
  • United States
  • Finland
  • Rwanda
  • WFP
  1. COVID-19 and school feeding: observations, lessons learned, building back better.
  2. Importance of return to pre-pandemic school feeding levels, relevance of home-grown models and government ownership.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Listen Up: Engaging Farmers in the Process of Repurposing Agricultural Policy.

  • Just Rural Transition
  • World Bank
  • World Farmers Organization
  1. The Event will better position the ‘repurposing’ agenda, as well as the centering of farmer voices, as strategic foci for policy change discussions at the 2021 U.N. Food Systems Summit, COP 26, and other global events.
  2. The Event will be the first of a series of farmer consultations that will together feed into the United Kingdom‘s broader efforts to raise visibility and momentum of efforts to repurpose public support to agriculture.
  3. For their part, participants will learn more about how food producers can be best integrated within decision-making processes around agriculture repurposing, ensuring effective, implementable, and inclusive change.
Documents: Overview

Title: Ensuring the human right to adequate food for sustainable food systems: how has the COVID-19 pandemic affected its realization and what policy solutions can be brought to the table that can help accelerate progress towards the SDGs?

  • Friends of the Right to Food Group (20 MCs)
  • FAO
  • IPPC Secretariat
  • Spain
  • Netherlands

Enhanced capacity to connect key dimensions of the right to food, particularly relevant during and post the COVID-19 crisis, which are usually dealt with separately but have a high potential to contribute significantly to less vulnerable, more inclusive and sustainable food systems by addressing multiple dimensions, actors and technical areas of food security and nutrition.

Documents: Overview (EN | FR | SP), Summary

Title: Developing effective policy responses to COVID-19: what is needed and what is the role of the CFS?

  • Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples' Mechanims for relation with the CFS
  • UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate food
  • IPES Food
  • Spain

The Side Event will provide an excellent platform for participants to learn about:

  1. The main lessons learned and needs for policy response to the FSN dimension of Covid-19 crisis.
  2. What the role of the CFS could be in convening its members and participants and other concerned actors to to provide global policy guidance relevant at global, regional and national levels.
  3. Possible pathways ahead for this initiative to be put in place.
Documents: Overview (EN | FR | SP)

Title: Implementing the UN Decade of family farming (UNDFF) to face COVID 19 and achieve resilient and sustainable food systems.

  • Permanent Mission of Costa Rica to FAO, IFAD and WFP
  • Permanent Mission of Switzerland to FAO, IFAD and WFP
  • FAO
  • IFAD
  • World Rural Forum
  • La Via Campesina
  1. To share information with the audience about the implementation of the UNDFF at the global and national level and the impact of covid on family farmers including women and youth.
  2. To reaffirm the relevance of the UNDFF as a relevant framework to coordinate policy efforts in synergy with CFS to support family farmers facing the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. To discuss on a common path a global response to the food crisis accelerated with the pandemic through the promotion of adequate public policies on family farming to achieve the SDGs.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Driving Food Loss and Waste Reduction through Innovation.

  • Sudan
  • FAO
  • Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme of the One Planet Network
  1. FLW issues are complex. This session will facilitate discussion and dialog among a broad spectrum of stakeholders that are actively engaged in addressing different dimensions of the FLW problem through innovation.
  2. Progress achieved as well as recommendations on the way forward toward better informing policy and decision making in transforming food systems.
Documents: Overview

Title: Data for Food Security: Taking forward the CFS data workstream.

  • Indonesia
  • Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  1. To promote a discussion on the importance of addressing data gaps to support food system transformation and SDG achievement.
  2. To provide informal inputs for the CFS Workstream on Data Collection and Analysis Tools in advance of the formal and inclusive CFS process.
  3. To strengthen CFS stakeholders‘ support for the implementation of the workstream that will produce actionable policy recommendations on improving agricultural data.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Upholding integrated, participatory and inclusive food systems governance through the CFS and UN Food System Summit processes.

  • Global Alliance for the Future of Food
  • Agroecology Fund
  • IPES-Food
  • Dominican Republic
  • SDG2 Advocacy Hub
  1. Agreements on how to manifest the CFS governance successes at FSS.
  2. Appropriate mechanisms and institutional structures for adequate monitoring and evaluation.
  3. Importance of inclusive global food systems governance will be upheld.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Agricultural Solutions: Forging Consensus Against Linked Food Security, Nutrition, Health and Climate Challenges.

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Netherlands
  • United States
  • Solution from the Land
  • Global Farmer Network
  • Global Dairy Platform
  • PSM
  1. Increase awareness and understanding of pathways to better enable and integrate technology and precision farming systems with conservation and agroecology systems and practices to meet global sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  2. Showcase proven and pragmatic technologies, systems and practices that farmers are deploying deploy on agricultural landscapes to improve food and nutrition security while simultaneously delivering solutions to other SDGs.
  3. Spotlight innovative and creative partnerships involving farmers; business, academic and government partners, NGOs and civil society in achieving desired outcomes.
Documents: Overview, Summary

Title: Indigenous Peoples roadmap towards the UN Food Systems Summit.

  • Government of Finland
  • Global Hub on Indigenous Peoples Food Systems
  • Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact
  • FAO
  • Rome Group of Friends of Indigenous Peoples
  • IFAD
  • Sámi Parliament
  1. Evidence-based information on indigenous peoples´ food systems and their elements of resilience and sustainability.
  2. Indigenous peoples roadmap to the UN Food Systems Summit.
  3. Inputs to the first draft of the White Paper/Whipala Paper on indigenous peoples´food systems.
  4. Expected outcomes of indigenous peoples´ participation on the UN Food Systems Summit.
  5. Recommendations on how to enhance indigenous peoples participation in the global debate of sustainable food systems and climate change.
Documents: Summary