Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition

The goal of the CFS Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF) is to provide an overarching framework and reference point for food security and nutrition strategies, policies and actions.

The GSF offers guidelines and recommendations for coherent and coordinated actions at global, regional and national levels that can support countries in their efforts to achieve the SDGs. It also emphasizes the importance of the country ownership of programmes to address food insecurity and malnutrition.

The GSF is targeted at decision and policy-makers and consolidates all the CFS policy work since the CFS Reform in 2009. It also takes into account other existing frameworks, guidelines and processes.

The GSF is dynamic and updated annually with the endorsed policy recommendations coming from CFS Plenary. In 2017 the Committee carried out a more in-depth periodic review of the GSF to incorporate new developments in the area of food security and nutrition, especially frameworks and recommendations from other fora. The first periodic update of the GSF was endorsed at CFS 44 in October 2017.

An online version of the GSF - the Online GSF - has been created and launched: this new, more user-friendly tool is easier to use and to disseminate. All stakeholders are invited to use it and promote it among decision makers in their country or organization.