Комиссия по генетическим ресурсам для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Четвертое межсессионное совещание Контактной группы

Neuchâtel (Switzerland), 12/11/2000 - 17/11/2000


Texts established by the Contact Group during its Fourth Inter-Sessional Meeting for: Article 12, Coverage of the Multilateral System; Article 13, Facilitated Access to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture within the Multilateral System; Artic


Draft Provisional Agenda


Composite Draft Text of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, incorporating the Texts of Articles 12 and 15, negotiated during the Commission's Eighth Regular Session; and the Texts of Articles 11, 13, 14, and 16, and a new Article on


Information Note for Participants


Information provided by the regions on the List, during the Third Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Contact Group


Text established by the Contact Group during its Third Inter-Sessional Meeting for Article 11, Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-Sharing; Article 13, Facilitated Access to Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture within the Multilateral Sy