Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Seventh Regular Session

Rome (Italy), 15/05/1997 - 23/05/1997


Report of the Seventh Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in

CGRFA-7/97/1 Rev.1

Draft Provisional Agenda

Available in

CGRFA-7/97/1 Add.1

Draft Provisional Agenda

Available in

CGRFA-7/97/1 Add.2

Provisional Timetable

Available in


Establishment of, and terms of reference of, Intergovernmental Technical Sectoral Working Groups of the Commission

Available in


Progress Report on the Global System for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in


Progress Report on follow-up to the International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources

Available in

CGRFA-7/97/4 Annex

Revision of the Cost Estimates of the Global Plan of Action

Available in


Monitoring of the rolling Global Plan of Action

Available in


Current expenditures on plant genetic resources

Available in


Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: Part I: United Nations and other Intergovernmental Organizations Part II: International Agricultural Research Organizations of the

Available in

CGRFA-7/97/7 Add.1

Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: Inputs not available in all languages

Available in


Reports from FAO on its policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (1) plant genetic resources

Available in


Reports from FAO on its policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (2) sectors other than plant genetic resources

Available in


Characterization of various options for Scope and Access, and a notional assessment of the pros and cons (document submitted by IPGRI/FAO)

Available in


Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Animal Genetic Resources

Available in


Fourth Negotiating Text of the International Undertaking for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in


Corrigendum to Document CGRFA/IUND/4: Fourth Negotiating Text of the International Undertaking for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in


Statutes of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in


Extract from the Report of the Fourteenth Session of the Committee on Agriculture (COAG)

Available in


Extract from the Report of the Thirteenth Session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO)

Available in


Field programme activities with a crop genetic resources component (1995-96)

Available in


Background documentation provided by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)

Available in


Background documentation provided by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Available in


Regeneration of accessiond in seed collections: a desicion guite - Executive summary

Available in


Statement of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Community and its Member States

Available in