Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Tenth Regular Session

Rome (Italy), 08/11/2004 - 12/11/2004


Report of the Tenth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Draft Provisional Agenda

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Provisional Annotated Agenda and Time-table

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Overview of the FAO Global System for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and its potential contribution to the implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food an

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Report of the Second Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Follow-up to the recommendations of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and its Working Group, regarding Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in

CGRFA-10/04/5 Add.1

Progress in the preparation of the Second Report on the State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Report on the International Network of Ex Situ Collections under the Auspices of FAO

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Progress in the Development of the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources

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Report of the Third Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Progress Report on the process of the preparation of the First Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources and the Report on Strategic Priorities for Action

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CGRFA-10/04/9 Add.1

Initiation of the Follow-up Mechanism for the implementation of Strategic Priorities for Action - Animal Genetic Resources

Available in

CGRFA-10/04/9 Add.2

Draft Outline for the First Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources including the Report on Strategic Priorities for Action

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CGRFA-10/04/9 Add.3

Budgetary and other aspects of a possible International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources

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Report from FAO on its policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (1) Sectorial matters

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Report from FAO on its policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (2) Cross-sectorial matters

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Report from FAO on its policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (3) Priority Areas for Inter-disciplinary Action (PAIAs)

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Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (1) United Nations and other Inter-governmental Organizations

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Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (2) International Agricultural Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

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Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: (3) International Non-governmental Organizations

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CGRFA-10/04/11 Add.1 Rev.1

Reports from international organizations on their policies, programmes and activities on agricultural biological diversity: Reports arrived late for translation

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Cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity

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Progress in the Draft Code of Conduct on Biotechnology as it relates to genetic resources for food and agriculture: policy issues, gaps and duplications

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Future work of the Commission

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Statutes of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Statutes of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Members elected by the Ninth Regular Session of the Commission

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Statutes of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Members elected by the Ninth Regular Session of the Commission

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Report of the Meeting on the Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the New Approach for Monitoring the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Indicators and reporting format for monitoring the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Country Progress Report on the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Strengthening Seed Systems

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Country Guidelines for the Second State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Draft Report on the Strategic Priorities for Action

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Statement of competence and voting rights submitted by the European Community and its Member States

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Agreement between the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Placing Collections of Plant Germplasm under the Auspices of FAO

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Reports from International Organizations on their Policies, Programmes and Activities on Agricultural Biological Diversity Part II: The International Agricultural Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) -

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Report on the International Network of Ex Situ  Collections under the Auspices of FAO: Further Information Provided by the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), regarding its request for a Re-examination of U.S. Patent No.5,894,079

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Strengthening National Structures for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources - Results of a Questionnaire Survey

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List of documents See Appendix G of the Report (CGRFA-10/04/REP)

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List of Delegates and Observers See Appendix I of the Report (CGRFA-10/04/REP)

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Memorandum of understanding between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI)

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