Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Thirteenth Regular Session

Rome (Italy), 18/07/2011 - 22/07/2011


Report of the Thirteenth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in

CGRFA-13/11/Inf. 26

List of delegates and observers (multilingual)


Provisional Agenda

Available in


Provisional Annotated Agenda and Time-table

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Status and Trends of Biotechnologies Applied to the Conservation and Utilization of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and Matters Relevant for their Future Development

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Climate Change and Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Access and Benefit-Sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Draft Updated Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Policy Coherence and Complementarity of the Work of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and of the Governing Body of the International Treaty

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Report of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Draft Revised Genebank Standards for the Conservation of Orthodox Seeds

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Follow-up to Other Recommendations Regarding Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Preparation of The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources

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Report of the First Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources

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Follow-up to Recommendations regarding Forest Genetic Resources, including The State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources

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Report of the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources

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FAO Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

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Funding Strategy for the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

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Progress in the Review of Key Issues in Micro-Organisms and Invertebrates for Food and Agriculture

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International Targets and Indicators for Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

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Human and Financial Resources to Support the Implementation of the Multi-Year Programme of Work

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Review of the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW)

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Cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity

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Cooperation with Other International Organizations and Instruments

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Status and Profile of the Commission

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Information Note for Participants

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Statutes of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Rules of Procedure of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Statutes of the Inter-governmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Members elected by the Twelfth Regular Session of the Commission

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Statutes of the Inter-governmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Members elected by the Twelfth Regular Session of the Commission

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Statutes of the Inter-governmental Technical Working Group on Forest Genetic Resources, and Members elected by the Twelfth Regular Session of the Commission

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Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Union (EU) and its Member States

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Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-Industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change (ABDC-10) - Report

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Submissions by International Organizations on the Prioritised Themes of the Session

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Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the International Climate Change Policy Agenda

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Joint Work Plan with the Convention on Biological Diversity

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Strengthening Plant Breeding Capacities

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Strengthening Seed Systems: Gap Analysis of the Seed Sector

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Improving Collection and Sharing of Information on Aquatic Genetic Resources (AqGR) for Food and Agriculture

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Guidelines for the Preparation of Country Reports for The State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources

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Progress Report of International Organizations on the Implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources

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Status and Trends of Animal Genetic Resources – 2010

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Draft Guidelines on Surveying and Monitoring of Animal Genetic Resources

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Draft Guidelines on Phenotypic Characterization of Animal Genetic Resources

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Draft Guidelines on Molecular Genetic Characterization of Animal Genetic Resources

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Draft Guidelines for the Cryoconservation of Animal Genetic Resources

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Draft Guidelines on Developing the Institutional Framework for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources

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Preparation of The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

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Report from the Global Crop Diversity Trust to the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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List of Documents

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Background Study Paper No. 51

Options to promote food security: on-farm management and in situ conservation of plant resources for food and agriculture

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 52

Biotechnologies for the Management of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 53

Climate Change and Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: State of Knowledge, Risks and Opportunities

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 54

Climate Change and Invertebrate Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: State of Knowledge, Risks and Opportunities

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 55

Climate Change and Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: State of Knowledge, Risks and Opportunities

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 56

Climate Change and Forest Genetic Resources – State of Knowledge, Risks and Opportunities

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 58

Trends in Intellectual Property Rights Relating to Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 59

Access and Benefit-Sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture – Current Use and Exchange Practices, Commonalities, Differences and User Community Needs - Report from a Multi-Stakeholder Expert Dialogue

Available in

Background Study Paper No. 60

Economics of PGRFA Management for Adaptation to Climate Change: A Review of Selected Literature

Available in