Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Monitoring of Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

The reporting system for the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources records activities undertaken by countries to implement the Global Plan of Action as well as the status of animal genetic resources. Progress indicators for each of the four strategic priority areas of the Global Plan of Action and for each of the 13 individual strategic priorities for action measure implementation activities at national level, as well as the state of collaboration and funding. Progress indicators rely on data provided by countries to FAO, and are compiled into regular synthesis progress reports. 

The status of animal genetic resources is measured through another set of indicators relying on information collected through the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS). Information is compiled into status and trends of animal genetic resources reports , which are produced every two years.

FAO supports countries with regard to inventory and monitoring of their breeds with activities based on three pillars: 

  • development of additional training material; 
  • provision of simplified procedures and direct support to upload cryoconservation data; and 
  • financial and technical support to countries to address the lack of breed-level population data. 

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