Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Milestones and achievements


The Commission requests a study on how “DSI” is generated, stored, accessed and used for research and development. It also requests FAO to hold an intersessional workshop on “DSI”. The workshop should raise the awareness of relevant stakeholders of the role of “DSI” in the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture and the sharing of benefits derived from them and consider some of the challenges involved in accessing and making full use of “DSI”.


The Commission, at its Seventeenth Regular Session, recognizes that there is a need for further review of “digital sequence information” (“DSI”) on genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA). It agrees to address, at its next session, the innovation opportunities offered by “DSI” on GRFA, challenges related to capacity to access and make use of “DSI” and the implications of “DSI” for the conservation and sustainable use of GRFA and the sharing of benefits derived from GRFA.


Publication of Background Study Paper No. 68 Exploratory Fact-Finding Scoping Study on “Digital Sequence Information” on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which examines how “digital sequence information” on genetic resources for food and agriculture is currently being used, how it might be used in the future and what the implications of its use are and might be in the future for the food and agriculture sector.


The Commission establishes a new work stream on “digital sequence information” on genetic resources for foods and agriculture.