


TCP/CPR/3502 - 技术合作项目开发基金

TCP/CPR/3502 - 技术合作项目开发基金


Implementing period: 04/06/2014 - 31/03/2016

Total budget: 150 022USD

Donor: FAO

TCP/CPR/3502 BABY06 - 《中国国别规划框架(2016-2020)》制定

TCP/CPR/3502 BABY06 - 《中国国别规划框架(2016-2020)》制定


Implementing period: 11/11/2015 - 31/03/2016

Total budget: 35 391 USD

Donor: FAO

TCP/CPR/3502 BABY07 - 全南农村振兴试点项目评估

TCP/CPR/3502 BABY07 - 全南农村振兴试点项目评估


Implementing period: 11/11/2015 - 31/03/2016

Total budget: 24 721 USD

Donor: FAO

UTF /CPR/060/CPR - 粮农组织与中国农业合作的研究:回顾和展望

UTF /CPR/060/CPR - 粮农组织与中国农业合作的研究:回顾和展望


Implementing period: 01/09/2015 - 31/10/2016

Total budget: 59 213 USD

Donor: FAO


TCP/CPR/3503 - 在海南省开发推广冬季蔬菜安全高产技术

TCP/CPR/3503 - 在海南省开发推广冬季蔬菜安全高产技术


Objective: The required TCP assistance aims to develop a new model for integrating interventions for improvement of livelihoods and management of farm production of vegetables into a comprehensive extension approach that is better suited to produce the following impact:

- Enhance incomes and improve livelihoods of farmers in poverty-stricken areas of Hainan through assisting government's initiatives in improving food safety

- Alleviating rural poverty, protecting the natural environment, and efficient use of agricultural inputs by introducing modern technologies that increase production, improve food safety, and allow efficient use of resources in off-season vegetable cultivation.

Implementing period: 01/05/2015 - 30/04/2017

Total budget: 200 000 USD

Donor: FAO

TCP/CPR/3504 BABY04 - 淮北平原推进秸秆利用和土壤肥力管理为基础的气候智慧型农业发展项目

TCP/CPR/3504 BABY04 - 淮北平原推进秸秆利用和土壤肥力管理为基础的气候智慧型农业发展项目


Implementing period: 01/11/2015 - 31/10/2017

Total budget: 215 000 USD

Donor: FAO

TCP/CPR/3601 陕西省旱作区基于水资源利用的气候智慧型农业发展项目

TCP/CPR/3601 陕西省旱作区基于水资源利用的气候智慧型农业发展项目


Implementing period: 08/01/2016 - 31/12/2017

Total budget: 210 000 USD

Donor: FAO

MTF/RAS/257/MUL - 亚太区域植物保护委员会两年一届会议上捐助国政府按照《亚太区域植物保护委员会协议》条款II、 III、IV和 XIV提供强制性供款

MTF/RAS/257/MUL - 亚太区域植物保护委员会两年一届会议上捐助国政府按照《亚太区域植物保护委员会协议》条款II、 III、IV和 XIV提供强制性供款


Objective: Cooperation in Plant Protection by member countries in the Region

Implementing period: 01/01/2010 - 31/12/2021

Budget total: 440 700 USD

Donor: Multilateral

TFD-13/CPR/002 - 参陂小学菜园项目

TFD-13/CPR/002 - 参陂小学菜园项目


Implementing period: 01/07/2015 - 30/06/2016

Total budget: 10 000 USD

Donor: FAO


GCP/RAS/229/SWE - 东南亚降低农药风险项目

GCP/RAS/229/SWE - 东南亚降低农药风险项目


Objective: To improve health and reduce environmental risk through capacity building for the proper management, and sustainable use, of agricultural and industrial chemicals. It geographical focus is on the Greater Mekong Subregion.

Implementing period: 01/02/2007 - 30/06/2018

Total budget: 14 384 259 USD

Donor: Sweden

GCP/RAS/229/SWE BABY02 - 第 II期 - 政策部分

GCP/RAS/229/SWE BABY02 - 第 II期 - 政策部分


Objective: Phase II Pesticide Risk Reduction in South East Asia - Policy Component - 1 September 2013-30 June 2018.

Implementing period: 01/09/2013 - 30/06/2018

Total budget: 1 250 000 USD

Donor: Sweden

GCP/RAS/229/SWE BABY03 - 第II期 - 病虫害综合防治部分

GCP/RAS/229/SWE BABY03 - 第II期 - 病虫害综合防治部分


Objective: Phase II - Baby 3 - IPM Component of Pesticide Risk Reduction in South East Asia.

Implementing period: 01/09/2013 - 30/06/2018

Total budget: 5 499 999 USD

Donor: Sweden


GCP/CPR/043/GFF - 在中国洞庭湖保护区开展生物多样性保护和可持续利用

GCP/CPR/043/GFF - 在中国洞庭湖保护区开展生物多样性保护和可持续利用


Objective: The goal of the proposed project is to secure the conservation of biodiversity of global importance in the Dongting Lake through strengthening existing management efforts and the promotion of the Wetland's long-term sustainable development. Specifically, the project objectives are to: (i) strengthen the existing institutional and policy framework; (ii) strengthen the existing network of wetland nature reserves; (iii) promote an integrated, ecosystem-wide planning and management approach; (iv) identify and demonstrate sustainable and/or alternative livelihoods designed to reduce human pressure on the Wetlands; and (v) increase institutional capacity and public awareness and support for wetlands conservation.

Implementing period 01/01/2015 - 31/12/2019

Total budget: 2 950 000 USD

Donor: GEF (FAO)

GCP/CPR/049/GFF -中国 - 在黄山市开展生物多样性保护和可持续利用

GCP/CPR/049/GFF -中国 - 在黄山市开展生物多样性保护和可持续利用


Objective: The goal of the proposed project is to secure the effective conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity in the mountainous forest ecosystems of Huangshan Municipality (contributing to Eastern China's only biodiversty hotspot). The project 's specific objective is to evaluate, adapt and implement relevant "best practices" derived from the successful management of Huangshan National Scenic Reserve (one of China's most successful and well-managed protected areas) to strengthen and upgrade the existing municipal system of PAs. The experiences derived from this approach would in turn be used as a basis to develop and finalize a biodiversity conservation eco-tourism master plan (and model) for Huangshan Municipality's System of Protected Areas relevant to other areas in China and abroad. A series of publications and a web page would be used to ensure wide dissemination of project products to other PAs in China.

Implementing period: 15/01/2015 - 14/01/2020

Total budget: 2 607 273 USD

Donor: GEF (FAO)


TCP/INT/3501 - 加强生物安全管理和处理重症虾传染性肌肉坏死病的能力

TCP/INT/3501 - 加强生物安全管理和处理重症虾传染性肌肉坏死病的能力


Objective: To strengthen regional and national level capacities for dealing with infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) disease in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Implementing period: 01/12/2014 - 30/11/2016

Total budget: 372 000 USD

Donor: FAO

OSRO/CPR/401/USA - 加强中国高致病性禽流感应对能力技术援助项目

OSRO/CPR/401/USA - 加强中国高致病性禽流感应对能力技术援助项目


Implementing period: 01/10/2014 - 30/09/2016

Total budget: 1 648 000 USD

Donor: USA