FAO in China

Third meeting of the United Nations Agriculture and Food Security Theme Group was held in Beijing


Beijing - The third meeting of the United Nations (UN) Agriculture and Food Security Theme Group was held in Beijing on 17 July 2017. The meeting focused on the importance of agro-product geographical indication. It also discussed the collaboration among Rome-Based Food Agencies (RBAs) in China.

The meeting was chaired by FAO and co-chaired by WFP, with the attendance of other relevant UN agencies, as well as international organizations, embassies and NGOs. The UN Theme Group on Agriculture and Food Security was launched in January 2017.

During the meeting, Ms. Gao Fang from the Ministry of Agriculture introduced Geographic Indications (GI) and the role it plays in increasing the Quality and Safety of Agro-products. Geographical indications refer to special indications of agro-products named after a geographical area indicating where it has been produced. Their quality and characteristics depend on natural, historical and cultural factors.  

Promoting agro-product geographical indications contributes to accelerating modern agricultural development while preserving local knowledge and tradition.

WFP programme officer Jia Yan presented the action plan of the collaboration among Rome-Based Food Agencies (RBAs) in China. In October 2016, RBAs--FAO,IFAD and WFP-- jointly issued the paper “Collaboration among the United Nations Rome-based Agencies: Delivering on the 2030 Agenda” which calls for closer coordination of the RBAs to support the member countries in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The RBAs share a common vision of promoting World Food Security, eradicating hunger and rural poverty, and promoting sustainable rural and agricultural development. Given that the RBAs in China are now all at the early phase of new 4-5 year country plans, this presents an opportunity to further strengthen collaboration in China, building on each agencies’ respective mandates and distinctive comparative advantages. The action plan consists of the following aspects: joint and complementary activities in China, collaborating on Partnership, South-South Cooperation (SSC), advocacy and communication and administrative collaboration. The collaboration among Rome-Based Food Agencies (RBAs) in China plays a pivotal role in achieving SDGs.

The fourth meeting of UN Agriculture and Food Security Theme Group will be held in October 2017.