FAO in China

Accurate and reliable agricultural and rural statistics needed for monitoring progress in eradicating hunger


FAO Representative in China Vincent Martin called for accurate and reliable statistical data for monitoring progress in eradicating hunger. He made the call during his opening remarks at the International Workshop on the Compilation of Food Balance Sheet in Xi’an, China (16 - 20 April).

Vincent Martin said that FAO’s mandate is to eradicate Hunger, Food Insecurity, and Malnutrition. Along this line, a FAO Regional Initiative for Asia and the Pacific called “Zero Hunger Challenge” was launched in April 2013. One of the action points of this initiative is to improve Food Security Statistics. Food Security is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, and hence its measurement and monitoring is quite complex and requires a wide variety of quality data.   “Since Asia accounts for most part of the under-nourished population in the world, the policies to address this and monitor progress in the framework of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 2: eradicate hunger, require updated, accurate and reliable statistical data,” he added.

The workshop was partially funded by the FAO Regional Project under the global strategy framework for improving agricultural and rural statistics in the Asia-Pacific Region. One of the objectives of the project is to assist and enable member countries to develop evidence-based policies and evaluation. The China International Statistical Training Centre and National Bureau of Statistics of China coorganized this Workshop.

The five-day workshop brought together a wide range of experts, officials ranging and representatives from 8 Asian countries. It consisted of a mix of lectures, discussion, and practical examples with the purpose of supporting countries to work with high quality agricultural and rural statistics that can aid in the construction of country-level food balance sheets as a tool for policy analysis.

“FAO has made long-term contribution to the compilation of Food Balance Sheet in China. Particularly in recent years, FAO has continuously improved the competencies of China’s national statistical systems through trainings, exchanges and technical assistance,” said Li Xiaozhao, Deputy Commissioner of National Bureau of Statistics.

After the workshop, FAO will follow up on the finalization and validation of Food Balance Sheets and provide assistance to the government in preparation of the Country Food and Nutrition Status Report.