FAO in China

Workshop held to review progress in FAO-China collaboration


Beijing - FAO in cooperation with Foreign Economic Cooperation Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of PRC (MARA) organized a one-day workshop under the theme “Resource Mobilization, Partnership and Innovation” to assess FAO-China collaboration in the context of mid-term review of the Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2016–2020. It was attended by more than 50 representatives from about 20 governmental agencies, academic institutions and international organizations.

Discussions in the workshop focused on the results achieved under the current CPF during the period from 2016 to 2018. Participants also exchanged opinions and suggestions to direct future course of collaborative actions to achieve the best results from implementing the CPF during the remaining time.

“This year is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up in China, and also the first year of implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. Therefore, this is the best moment to review the achievements and experiences that we have attained after the signature and implementation of our CPF (2016–2020) between China and FAO. The CPF for China (2016–2020) is also considered as a guiding document, one which is instructive, living and operable,” said Zhaolijun, Division Director of International Cooperation under Department of International Cooperation, MARA at the opening of the workshop. He also told participants that the two sides would further seek the greatest common divisor to support the development of China’s agricultural and rural affairs, as well as the global 2030 sustainable development agenda.

FAO Representative in China and DPR Korea Vincent Martin in his opening remark highlighted the strength of FAO and China collaboration. It was followed by a review of the activities implemented during the last 2 years. “The CPF for China (2016–2020) sets out four priority areas for joint collaboration. From 2016 to May 2018, FAO Representation in China has already implemented 23 projects, accounting for nearly 70 percent of its total estimated budget,” he said. Explaining the objective of the workshop, Martin said it aims mainly to review the effectiveness and efficiency of the actions and interventions in achieving CPF objectives. “Finally the review would identify the opportunities ahead in the spirit of partnership and innovation,” he added.

In the following sessions, FAO China officials briefed the participants on the progress achieved in the four CPF priority areas during two and a half years since the CPF was launched: fostering sustainable and climate resilient agricultural development; reducing rural poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition; promoting a one-health approach for improved public health; and facilitating China’s regional and international agricultural cooperation. Representatives from different sectors, including Government institutions, academia, research center, the private sector also shared their views on these topics.

The workshop ended with the vote of thanks by the FAO Representative. Vincent Martin appreciated the feedback obtained from participants on various aspects of FAO-China collaboration and thanked the partners, including the government, academia, organizations, and financial institutions for their long-standing support to the work of FAO in China.