FAO in China

New models of cooperation are essential for developing agricultural prosperity amongst BRI countries


Dunhuang - “The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an ambitious initiative, sparking a new momentum for international cooperation not only in the economic sectors, but also in the agricultural sector. Such international collaboration aims to bring together a wealth of expertise, disciplines and developmental actors to explore a more balanced, equitable and inclusive development model – one that will benefit the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative and far beyond”, said by Dr. Vincent Martin, FAO China’s Representative.

Speaking in northwest China’s Gansu Province, at the Dunhuang International Forum on Agricultural Cooperation in the Framework of Belt and Road Initiative, Dr. Martin also noted that the BRI has the power to unlock the potential of rural areas which have too long been considered as poverty trap. A main outcome of the BRI is to help realise the potential of cities and rural areas along the BRI, bringing populations out of poverty and creating jobs.

BRI promotes economic development in China and other countries through infrastructure development and better connectivity. A further aim of the BRI is to help support poverty alleviation, whilst improving rural development and food security.

Dr. Martin continued to emphasize in his speech these common objectives which have created “an opportunity for the FAO and the government of China to work together within the framework of the BRI in pursuit of common aims”.

The FAO and China have formulated an umbrella BRI programme taking into account China’s agricultural development priorities, the needs of BRI countries and FAO’s strategic corporate advantages. This programme has four main sectors of activity which include: 1) inclusive value chain development for agricultural products, 2) supporting the introduction and development of innovations in e-agriculture, 3) control of transboundary animal and plant diseases, as well as 4) the sustainable management of natural resources (biodiversity, desertification and climate change).

The FAO is looking forward to continuing and broadening its engagement with China, whilst supporting shared knowledge in China’s best practices with other developing countries in the framework of South-South Cooperation, and in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative.

During the forum, Chinese and foreign representatives participated in thematic discussions on the agricultural "Go Out" strategy, agricultural cultural heritage, water-saving agriculture amongst other topics. At the same time, Gansu Province signed cooperation agreements with the World Food Programme, the Pakistani Agricultural Commission and several other enterprises on topics relating to agricultural technology, investment and e-commerce.