FAO in China

FAO China and Tsinghua University jointly reshape the future of GIAHS on the Metaverse


On 8 March, GIAHS experts from 4 different countries introduced 5 GIAHS sites to the students of the Service Design course on Reshaping the Future of GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) on the Metaverse. FAO experts, GIAHS specialists, and students and professors from Tsinghua University participated in the class today. This was not only an inspiring introduction to the students, but also a great opportunity for GIAHS experience sharing and peer learning.

Moderated by Zhiyong Fu, Associate Professor of Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University, and Le Dong, Programme Officer of FAO China, 5 GIAHS sites were briefed and discussed:

  • China’s Pu’er Traditional Tea Agrosystem, introduced by Yong Lu, Professor of Nanjing Agricultural University, China
  • China’s Kuaijishan Ancient Chinese Torreya, introduced by Yong Lu
  • Japan’s Ayu of the Nagara River System, introduced by Kazuki Fukui, Chief Engineer, Satokawa Promotion Division, Department of Agricultural Policy, Gifu Prefectural Government, Japan
  • Philippines’ Ifugao Rice Terraces, introduced by Jude C. Baggo, Director of Center for Ifugao Rice Terraces GIAHS, Ifugao State University, Philippines
  • Republic of Korea’s Geumsan Traditional Ginseng Agricultural System, introduced by Hag Yeol You, Research Fellow of Chungnam Institute, Republic of Korea

The course was jointly launched by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) China Office and Tsinghua University in February. It aims to explore the transformation of traditional heritage and modern technology, as well as the fusion of civilization stories and futuristic scenarios.

During the 8-week Service Design course, students are divided into small groups and each group chooses one GIAHS site to study. With the support of FAO, the students of Tsinghua University work with experts to complete service design through user research, participatory workshops, and design thinking method. In the end of course, students will build their own service design system in the Metaverse. 

GIAHS represent both stunning natural landscapes and agricultural practices that create livelihoods in rural areas, while combining biodiversity, resilient ecosystems and tradition and innovation in a unique way. Since 2005, FAO has designated 62 systems in 22 countries as GIAHS, and currently, 15 new proposals from 8 different countries were received.

The class today received support from the Center of International Cooperation Service of China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the FAO Representative / Liaison Offices in Japan, Philippines and Republic of Korea.