FAO in China

FAO China and International Poverty Reduction Centre in China organize Digital Village Workshop


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Representation in China and the International Poverty Reduction Centre in China (IPRCC) jointly presented a workshop on Digital Village. As the sub-forum of the 16th ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the Digital Village Workshop aims to: a) share the successful cases of China's digital village; b) promote the development of digital villages in ASEAN countries; c) help poverty reduction and rural development, as well as summarizing experiences and innovative ideas in the workshop to promote digitalization for China's rural revitalization.

Ten representatives from Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Hubei, Zhejiang, Fujian, and other regions introduced their digital village cases. More than 60 delegates from China and ASEAN countries participated in the workshop online and offline.

“We will continue to tap the potential of rural development and promote more innovative approaches to meet the poverty reduction goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” said Li Xin, Deputy Director-General of the IPRCC, “and make more contributions to building a global community with a shared future free from poverty.”

“FAO China will continuously collaborate with all partners to facilitate the transformation of digital villages and sustainable development for China, with China, and from China,” said Zhang Zhongjun, Assistant Representative of FAO China.

Aziz Elbehri, Senior Economist of FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific made closing remarks by introducing FAO’s Digital Village Initiative Platform which was launched on 27 June 2022.