FAO in China

The Fifth Annual Consultation Meeting on SSC Successfully Held in Changsha


The Fifth Annual Consultation Meeting (ACM) on FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme was held between the Government of China and FAO in Changsha on 26 January 2016.

The meeting confirmed that the SSC is seen as a valuable instrument for implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as a complementary means to traditional international development cooperation.  FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China reviewed the progress and achievements made by the FAO-China SSC Programme and exchanged views on the follow-up actions taken both by MOA and FAO since the recent signature of the General Agreement of the SSC Trust Fund Phase II, on 7 June 2015. The participants in the ACM also discussed and approved the Work Plan for 2016, which included the continuous implementation and closure arrangement of Phase I, and the programming of SSC projects under Phase II at country, regional and global levels. Moreover, in view of the increasing demands for SSC from developing countries and the available financial resources under the Trust Fund, FAO and MOA briefed the proposed concept notes on key SSC events and partnership development and discussed the priorities to be supported by the Programme in 2016.

During the ACM, the Government of China expressed their complete satisfaction with the FAO-China Trust Fund implementation and its results achieved so far, as well as the effective management mechanism established for the FAO-China SSC programme.