FAO in China

China and Viet Nam to further strengthen cooperation on animal health


The fourth Viet Nam and China Bilateral Meeting on Collaboration to Address Transboundary Animal Diseases "Safer trade of animals and animal products across Vietnam- China Border" was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam from 26-27 January 2016. The meeting was convened on the basis of the a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on ‘Strengthening cooperation on animal health’ between the Veterinary Bureau (VB) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of China and the Department of Animal Health (DAH) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD) of Viet Nam, which was signed in 2012.

A total of 34 representatives from China, Viet Nam and FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) team (RAP, Viet Nam and China) participated in the meeting. Dr Wang Gongmin, Deputy Director General of the VB of the MoA led the China delegation that contained staff from the VB, China Animal Disease Control Center (CADC), China Animal Health and Epidemiology Centre (CAHEC) and the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ). Dr Pham Van Dong, Director General and Dr Nguyen Thu Thuy, Deputy Director General of the DAH of the MoARD led the Viet Nam delegation. Dr Guo Fusheng and Ms Yu Qi from FAO China ECTAD participated in the meeting and assisted FAO Viet Nam staff with facilitation. FAO ECTAD RAP played an important role in terms of meeting organization and facilitation of meeting discussions.

Meeting discussion revolved around information sharing; updates on studies for surveillance and value chains between China and Viet Nam; identifying methods for safer trade of animals across the borders and plans for the future. Major outcome of the meeting was that, all participants agreed on a roadmap and timelines for a results based collaboration to enable safer trade in livestock and animal products and in this way contribute to the prevention and control of animal diseases and safe public health. Efforts will be made by both countries through the following aspects: enhance information sharing, establish a technical working group to progress planning for safer pathway of movements of poultry and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) susceptible livestock; continuation of studies on value chain and risk assessment studies; and progress plans for technical visits. It is noted that Dr Song Junxia, Director of Science and Technology and International Collaboration, VB of the MoA of China and Dr Nguyen Tung, Head of Division of International Cooperation and Communication, DAH of the MoARD, were nominated as the focal points for information sharing.

The next bilateral meeting will be held in China in March 2017.