FAO in China

Talks with China’s Agriculture Minister

Discussions on the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing


FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva today met China's Agriculture Minister Han Changfu on the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which focuses on expanding development and trade links between Asia, Africa, South America and Europe.

FAO Director-General said the Belt and Road initiative can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, provided it addresses the needs of millions of farmers and fisher folk in the countries involved.

The event, he said, provided a unique impetus for an international concerted effort to promote “a more balanced, equitable and inclusive development along the Belt and Road”.

China - a leading role in South-South Cooperation

FAO’s Director-General praised the Chinese Government for playing a leading role in the support of FAO’s South-South cooperation programme, which has benefitted over 30 countries and produced strong impacts in developing countries,” Graziano da Silva said.

According to the FAO Director-General, the Belt and Road opens a “great opportunity” among all countries involved to engage in South-South Cooperation, a FAO-promoted model of development which has proven effective in creating jobs, building infrastructure and promoting trade among developing countries across the “global South”.