
Country Programming Framework under Mid-term review


As a planning tool for FAO's strategic prioritization and overall medium-term programming in the country, the Country Programming Framework for China (2012-2015) has been developed, drawing on core functions and comparative advantages of FAO, national development plans and programmes of the Chinese Government, and the UNDAF for China (2011-2015).

The CPF for China was endorsed by both FAO and the Chinese Government in late 2012 and officially launched in October 2013. The CPF Resource Mobilization Strategy was endorsed by both Ministry of Agriculture and RAP in July 2014. CPF annual/biannual work plans have been developed for the implementation of activities under the Framework.

Entrusted by FAO and Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of China, a multi-disciplinary team of experts were organized for mid-term review of Country Programming Framework (CPF) for China (2012-2015), aiming to optimize the current CPF and adjust for future implementation, and accumulate experience for drawing up the next CPF (2016-2020).

A workshop was held on 10 December 2014 to release the review report and engage further discussions. In terms of the relevance of CPF content and projects to national development plans, programs and strategies of China, the mid-term review results indicate that the overall strategic focus set out in the CPF is closely related to national context of China. The CPF contains extensive project activities, relatively in line with the current situation of China. Meanwhile it is found that certain room is still left for improvement of the CPF strategic priorities. Relevant CPF projects are distributed unevenly, with sharply different degrees of focus put on different priority areas set out in the CPF.

Evaluating the effectiveness of relevant projects and expected outcomes, resource mobilization and joint delivery, the mid-term review results affirm that the projects were designed in close relation to the expected outcomes of the CPF. The project results and expected outcomes of the CPF are strongly effective. CPF is strongly capable of mobilizing resources from all parties, with higher effectiveness of joint delivery. CPF has played a positive role for development of Chinese agriculture and rural economy. It also show that the projects under the CPF contributed differently to the CPF priorities, with some areas neglected. New projects were in a small number and the funding gap for some projects remains to be filled up, and the involvement of stakeholder needs to be improved.

Participants gave positive comments on CPF mid-term review and provided suggestions for improvement which shall be fed into the following implementation of the current CPF and the development of the future CPF.