FAO in China


22 September 2020, Rome - FAO welcomed an announcement today by Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, that his country will support the UN agency's South-South Cooperation (SSC) efforts with an additional $50 million in funding. "We are very grateful for this new $50 million contribution announced by President Xi, as...
   “中国农民丰收节不仅承载了广大农民丰收的喜悦,也传承着优秀丰富的农耕文化。作为中国农民的儿子,我能与广大农民朋友一起分享丰收的喜悦,感到特别的高兴。”联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)总干事屈冬玉在2020年中国农民丰收节上发表视频致辞时说。 今天是中国二十四节气中的“秋分”,也是2020年中国农民丰收节(丰收节)正式启幕的日子。在丰收节来临之际,中国国家主席习近平向中国广大农民和“三农”战线上的工作者们致以节日的祝贺和诚挚的慰问。他强调,要在全社会形成关注农业、关心农村、关爱农民的浓厚氛围,让乡亲们的日子越过越红火。 今年丰收节的主题是“庆丰收、迎小康”,黄河流域九省区围绕这一主题联动举行金秋消费季活动、农产品产销对接活动、农耕文化教育主题活动等。 屈冬玉总干事在致辞中强调:“广大农民艰苦奋斗、辛勤劳动,依靠好的科技和政策,为保障粮食安全和丰富食品多样性发挥了重要的作用,为乡村振兴和实现可持续发展做出了极大的贡献。” “中国用全球9%的耕地和6%的淡水满足了占全球20%的人口的粮食需求,这是非常了不起的成就!联合国粮农组织在过去40年间,见证了中国对全球粮食安全、乡村发展和扶贫减贫事业取得的巨大成就,这必将为联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》相关目标的实现,做出决定性的贡献。”总干事表示。 据粮农组织预计,今年全球主要作物的产量有望达到27.65亿吨,创历史新高。“中国在战胜各种自然灾害的情况下,取得了丰收,为全球丰收做出了巨大贡献。”总干事在致辞中表示。 当前,新冠疫情尚未结束,全球粮食和农业体系面临着前所未有的挑战,广大农民的生计也受到了重大影响。粮农组织呼吁,世界各国必须团结一致,确保全球粮食贸易和供应链正常运行。 据了解,中国农民丰收节设立于2018年,节日时间是每年的秋分时节,也正是收获的季节。这是中国在国家层面专门为农民设立的第一个节日,体现了对农民的重视和“三农”工作的重要基础地位。今年是第三届丰收节,也是节日主会场第一次走出北京,将主会场设立在山西运城。运城活动采用“一主两副三会场”的形式举办,内容包括在黄河农耕文明博览园举行的群众联欢活动、“全国十佳农民”颁发证书仪式、乡村绿色发展研讨会、黄河流域农耕文化主题展馆展示、特色农产品和贫困地区农产品展示展销等。
Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For the Malagasy people, rice is a core part of their diet: many families eat it three times a...
23 July 2020 - The FAO-China South-South-Cooperation (SSC) Programme jointly with the FAO Global Action for Fall Armyworm (FAW) control and in close collaboration with FAO’s Office of Emergency and Resilience (OER) hosted last week the Programme’s first online joint formulation technical meeting. In view of the challenges posed by the...
The FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme has just approved its first emergency project on desert locust control, which was signed by China’s Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) Mr Zhang Taolin, and by the Deputy Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations...