FAO in China


5 February 2020, Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) have jointly expressed solidarity with China and offered support to the country as it battles the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak. In a joint letter...
On 15 January, 2020, the FAO Representation in China invited representatives from Chinese government agencies, civil society, private sector, academia and media to hold the first national-level consultation meeting for the 35th session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Asia and the Pacific Regional Conference...
On 14th December, the 11th China Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Conference was held in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province. More than 800 participants participated and shared their opinions on agroecology and rural revitalization. Agroecology is key to transforming our food and agricultural systems. Growing scientific evidence and local experiences have already demonstrated how...
From December 9th to 10th, the first Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Agriculture was held in Sanya, China. In his opening remarks, Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China (MARA), underlined that MARA will continue to strengthen the cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...
On December 7, "2019 Poyang Lake International Birdwatching Week" kicked off in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province of China. The 5-day birdwatching week was held in Nanchang, Jiujiang and Shangrao near Poyang Lake, with the theme of "the wetland nourishes the Province, the birds connect the world". Poyang Lake, located in Jiangxi Province,...