FAO in China


In order to meet the world’s sustainable development goals of defeating hunger and poverty by 2030, governments and the private sector need to reenergize their agricultural science and technology research capacities, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization announced today at a meeting of the world’s top agricultural scientists. That will require...
17 October 2016, Beijing - In celebration of the 36th World Food Day (WFD), FAO Representation in China joined hands with State Administration of Grain, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, China Meteorological Administration and All-China Women's Federation to launch the National Love Grain Save...
Farmer Field School (FFS) is a people-centred approach for learning new technologies. Participatory methods to create an environment conducive to learning: the participants can exchange knowledge and experience in a risk free setting. Practical field exercises using direct observation, discussion and decision making encourage learning-­by­ doing. The field is the space...
ROME, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- Using its successful experience in poverty and hunger eradication to help other developing countries, China's longstanding bilateral South-South cooperation program has been a remarkable example to follow, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) expert. "On the journey to food and nutrition security...
Ren Zhengxiao, Director of China’s State Administration of Grain, met with Vincent Martin, FAO’s representative in China and DPR Korea in Beijing. In the meeting, Ren expressed his appreciation for FAO’s work in safeguarding global food security, especially in helping other developing countries with hunger and poverty alleviation. Ren also extended...