

The celebration of the 37th World Food Day and the 27th National Love Food and Save Food Publicity Week kicked off at China Agriculture University on 16 October of 2017. The event was jointly organized by the State Administration of Grain, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Education, the...
The 2017 Global Poverty Reduction and Development Forum kicked off on 9 October 2017 in Beijing. Wang Yang, Vice Premier of the State Council of China, attended and addressed the forum. The theme of this forum is “Targeted Poverty Alleviation and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of...
河北宣化 - 离京150公里,就来到了飞将军李广镇守的“上谷郡”。经历两千多年的历史沧桑,河北省张家口市宣化区这个古来兵家必争之地,在进入21世纪的今天仍就是绿意盎然,登上斑驳的老城墙极目远眺,满城尽是硕果累累的葡萄老藤。中国最古老而且独具特色的葡萄园就坐落在此。 今天前,粮农组织助理总干事雷内Ÿ卡斯特罗先生(René Castro)、粮农组织驻中国代表马�...
河北宣化 - 离京150公里,就来到了飞将军李广镇守的“上谷郡”。经历两千多年的历史沧桑,河北省张家口市宣化区这个古来兵家必争之地,在进入21世纪的今天仍就是绿意盎然,登上斑驳的老城墙极目远眺,满城尽是硕果累累的葡萄老藤。中国最古老而且独具特色的葡萄园就坐落在此。 今天前,粮农组织助理总干事雷内Ÿ卡斯特罗先生(René Castro)、粮农组织驻中国代表马�...
Beijing - The third meeting of the United Nations (UN) Agriculture and Food Security Theme Group was held in Beijing on 17 July 2017. The meeting focused on the importance of agro-product geographical indication. It also discussed the collaboration among Rome-Based Food Agencies (RBAs) in China. The meeting was chaired by FAO...