Climate Change


Enhanced Transparency Framework 

In 2015 the Paris Agreement established an Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) to build trust and confidence that countries are contributing to global climate action, and set out the Global Goal for Adaptation (GGA) 

The ETF provides arrangements to track and report on national climate change mitigation policies and adaptation actions and support towards achieving the global temperature and adaptation goals, including progress on implementing and achieving individual Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The ETF includes flexibility for developing country Parties, considering Parties’ different capacities.

No later than December 2024 countries should report on the implementation and achievement of their national objectives through Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). These reports provide a snapshot of progress made by countries to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement.  

In 2021, the two-year Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the GGA was launched to enhance understanding of the methodologies, indicators, data and metrics, and support needed for assessing progress towards adaptation. 

Both activities will inform the Global Stocktake (GST) to assess the collective progress countries have made and achieve the long-term goals of limiting anthropogenic global warming and adapting to its impacts. The first GST runs from 2021 to 2023 and will then run every 5 years. 


Ways in which FAO works with countries

  • Raising awareness on the benefits of investing in an institutional reporting framework.
  • Leveraging finance for capacity building in transparency and preparation of BTR.
  • Providing technical support and mentoring to strengthen monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems, with a focus on GHG inventories.
  • Setting up monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for tracking adaptation targets.
  • Strengthening linkages for reporting under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and the 2030 Agenda. 
  • Offering MRV and M&E tools to enable countries to address the ETF reporting requirements.
  • Facilitating discussion with non-state actors to ensure the availability of information.
  • Promoting youth and academia engagement to enhance country capacity for national reporting.