Climate Change

Moving FAST: Enhancing climate finance through the Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership 

Moving FAST

The Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Initiative was launched by the Egyptian Presidency at COP27, in response to a troubling trend: a diminishing allocation of climate finance contributions to agrifood systems with cascading effects on food security, livelihoods and biodiversity. FAO has been tasked with operationalizing and facilitating the Initiative through a collaborative multistakeholder Partnership. 


In this regard, FAO is organizing a briefing session to provide information on the nature, governance, and goals of the FAST Partnership, and offer opportunities for discussion. Participants will learn more about the objectives of the FAST Partnership and explore ways to engage. The run up to COP28 is a critical juncture, and this briefing will serve as a crucial step in bringing the FAST Partnership to life and mobilizing the collective efforts of participants towards its realization.

Date: 19 October

Time: 2:30-4:30 pm  (CET)

Location: Hybrid meeting - German Room (FAO HQ) and online 


The event is open to all potential FAST Partnership members, from FAO Members to UN entities and Specialized Agencies, intergovernmental global and regional organizations, universities, academia and research institutes, and civil society organizations, coalitions, initiatives and networks.

For additional information, please reach out to [email protected] or visit the FAST Partnership webpage.