Climate Change

Launching FACE-NDC, empowering countries

FAO and partners gather in Zambia to mark the start of the Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to Achieve Nationally Determined Contributions


Rome - Lusaka - FAO has joined hands with partners to launch the Facility for Action for Climate Empowerment to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions (FACE-NDC) project. The project partners include the Copperbelt University, the University of Zambia, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).

“While national climate strategies and plans outline potential solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges, a lack of knowledge, capacity, and effective policy interventions has hampered progress,” said Reuben Sessa, FAO Natural Resources Officer, co-leading the project.

Recognizing the vital role of transformative education in the fight against climate change, the FACE-NDC project aims to support countries with reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing biodiversity, and fostering social justice. The project seeks to empower students, educators, professionals, government and private sector stakeholders, and entire communities to adopt climate-friendly behaviour, facilitating a transition towards a sustainable and greener future.


The FACE-NDC project will empower countries to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions through three essential activities:

  1. Tailored climate change education materials: The project will create context-specific educational materials and curricula designed for primary and secondary schools, universities, and vocational colleges.
  2. Capacity building support: By providing support for institutional and human capacity building, FACE-NDC will facilitate the transition to sustainable practices.

  3. Strengthening non-formal education: Clubs and civil society organizations will be empowered to reach vulnerable and marginalized groups, ensuring that women and youth play an active role in their country's development trajectory. Moreover, a Geographical Information System (GIS)-based monitoring component will be developed to provide robust evidence and a replicable behavioral science approach for other countries.

The project's tools and methodologies will initially be developed and tested in Zambia during the implementation phase. This will build a robust evidence base that can be applied in recipient countries, which include Brazil, Liberia, Malawi, the Philippines, and Uganda supporting countries' national climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contributions).

A network of partners will play a pivotal role in implementing export packages through their extensive networks. These partners encompass organizations such as the UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn), UNESCO's Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) program, UNFCCC ACE partnerships, the Greening Education Partnership, the FAO-led Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA), operational in over 100 countries, with influential partners like the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, boasting a combined membership of 65 million.

The overarching goal of the project is to benefit over 2 million individuals. This includes 780 thousand students of all ages, 200 thousand teachers, 750 thousand households engaged in forestry and agriculture and 240 thousand members of civil society and non-governmental organizations. Government representatives, municipalities, and the private sector will also be actively engaged.

For in-depth information about the FACE-NDC project, please contact Reuben Sessa at [email protected]