Climate-Smart Agriculture

Integrated practices

Holistic, integrated practices in which a range of stakeholders are involved ensure greater efficiency in the use of resources and more sustainable management of natural and human-created processes in the landscape. Integration can greatly reduce the pressure on the natural resources and minimize the need for external inputs (e.g. energy, chemical fertilizers and pesticides).

Integrated practices are interlinked with the Landscape approach which an approach that should be followed when moving towards CSA. It is the management of production systems and natural resources covering an area large enough to produce vital ecosystem services, but small enough to be managed by the people using the land. Integrated crop and livestock production systems are also efficient, increasing diversity, along with the environmental sustainability.

Agroforestry practices such as use of shade trees are another example of an integrated practice. Shade trees reduce heat stress on animals and help increase productivity. Trees also improve the supply and quality of forage, which can help reduce overgrazing and curb land degradation.