Climate-Smart Agriculture

Urban and periurban agriculture

The rapid growth of cities in the developing world is placing huge demands on urban food supply systems. Agriculture – including horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, and fodder and milk production – is increasingly spreading to towns and cities. Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) provides fresh food, generates employment, recycles urban waste, creates greenbelts, and strengthens cities’ resilience to climate change. Practices include Hydroponics and Trees outside the Forest (TOF). Join the ‘Food for cities’ discussion group to learn more and share information about UPA developments, climate-smart technology being used and its benefits.

In an urban setting, there are a number of constraints and issues which need to be addressed - lack of access to water and other productive resources or competition for land and issues related to tenure rights. There are food safety concerns regarding the use of waste water and organic material and the risk of the spread of diseases and contamination. City planners therefore require technical guidance for the integration of agricultural activities into urban development and training needs to be provided on urban sustainable production systems. There is a need to revisit food distribution systems and ensure resilient urban-rural linkages. For more information see FAO's Food for Cities Programme and “Climate-Smart” Agriculture Policies, Practices and Financing for Food Security, Adaptation and Mitigation.