Climate-Smart Agriculture


Support to countries to ensure that agriculture and CSA are included in mid to long-term development planning processes and investment decisions.

Adoption of CSA requires integrating the CSA approach into national planning processes and investment decisions, following an appropriate stakeholder dialogue. The National Adaptation Plans and NAMAs are examples of ongoing climate change planning processes. FAO plays an important role in assisting member countries to understand the challenges and opportunities for the agricultural sectors and the range of possible responses.

The development of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) is already underway in a number of countries to support medium to long term adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors, including forestry and fisheries. They will address how to integrate climate change adaptation into relevant new and existing policies, programmes and activities

FAO NAP support includes:

  • developing an integrated adaptation approach and roadmap
  • supporting key stakeholders in the process, in particular Ministries of Agriculture
  • defining a baseline on adaptation
  • identifying climate change knowledge gaps in the agriculture sector
  • developing and conducting capacity training on adapting agriculture to climate change
  • identifying climate finance for adaptation

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are countries’ commitments to reducing emissions and addressing climate change through various approaches, including through CSA, in the build up to the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (CoP21) in December 2015.

FAO INDC support includes:

  • Assisting member countries in their preparation of INDCs and other important international processes under UNFCCC. INDC support is particularly focused on the inclusion of components on food security and nutrition, the agriculture sectors (agriculture, forestry and fisheries) and the sustainable use of land and water.
  • Assessing INDCs to identify country priorities in the agriculture sectors to guide implementation support and further research.

INDCs allow countries to demonstrate leadership on addressing climate change, communicating internationally how they will cut emissions for the post-2020 period. Through their INDCs, countries can tailor their contributions to their own national priorities, capabilities, and responsibilities and can be a basis for collective action.

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are nationally determined policies and actions that reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Costa Rica for example received financing from the NAMA facility for a ‘low carbon coffee’ NAMA with the objective of transforming the entire coffee value chain to reduce 1.85 million tonnes of CO2eq over twenty years and improving the standard of living for 400,000 people.

FAO NAMA support includes:

  • capacity development for countries wishing to implement NAMAs
  • an online Learning Tool on NAMAs in the AFOLU sector
  • The FAOSTAT Emissions Database to identify sources of GHG emissions and their trends:
    1. Activity data collected from member countries and GHG emission estimates
    2. Baseline projections to 2030 and 2050
    3. GHG emission estimates (Tier 1) for the AFOLU sector.

Agriculture Investment Plans are country-wide plans that map the investments needed to achieve national development targets over a defined time frame. Integrating climate change concerns into investment plans and their implementation through programmes and projects is critical to ensure that the agriculture sectors meet the challenges posed by climate change.

FAO investment planning support includes:

  • Guidance on screening investment plans for CSA
  • Country support on screening and integrating CSA into investment plans and projects
  • Guidance and learning support to integrate climate change considerations into agricultural investment
  • Country support on designing climate smart investment programmes and projects for different funding sources.