FAO en Colombia

Sharing knowledge and flavour in Cocalito

(29.05.2013) Eight hours from Quibdó you find Cocalito, a small village located in the Alto Baudó by the Ancozó River shore, that is inhabited by an Embera’s indigenous community. Life is simple in Cocalito. Like many other indigenous communities in Colombia, agriculture is the main livelihood activity, but multiple climatic phenomena, including increased rainfall and flooding, have caused losses in crops and livestock. In order to help these communities reestablish their main livelihoods, FAO technicians arrived under the Joint Response Programme for the 2010-2011 La Niña Phenomenon. Over four months, Prof Yeni – as she is affectionately called – visited the village in order to train people on new agricultural techniques to improve their crop production yields.

The Professor also brought banana, rice and maize seeds, as well as tools in order to ensure the community was able to resume cultivating their fields. FAO was able to improve agricultural practices, while also taking into account different risk factors.

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