Communication for Development (ComDev)

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Communication for Development (ComDev) is a resultsoriented and participatory communication approach that maximizes the impact and sustainability of development initiatives, facilitating informed decisionmaking, knowledge sharing and stakeholder engagement. ComDev is essential to advance inclusive rural communication services (RCS) by combining participatory processes with the use of media and digital solutions that can be appropriated by family farmers, rural communities and institutions. 

ComDev at FAO 

FAO’s Communication for Development (ComDev) team, based in the Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division (PSU), acts as the Organization’s technical focal point, providing ComDev assistance to institutions, family farmers, producer organizations, Indigenous Peoples, FAO programmes, projects and partners. Learn more about ComDev at FAO here

ComDev in Action
Latin America_men with mobile phone
Rural Communication Services

FAO ComDev provides technical assistance to institutions, farmer organizations and field projects in over 20 countries to implement ComDev strategies and plans, blending communication processes, the use of local media and ICTs. In order to scale up and institutionalize inclusive rural communication services (RCS) as part of agriculture and rural development policies, FAO ComDev promotes studies, evidence generation and consultations on RCS trends and policy frameworks. 

Participatory video

Participatory video (PV) is a communication approach that enables knowledge sharing and dialogue, mirroring local realities and empowering individuals and groups to engage in sustainable development. FAO ComDev promotes the use of PV in extension and advisory services, farmer field schools, innovation systems and digital agriculture, as well as its appropriation by farmer organizations and rural institutions through capacity development initiatives. 

Rural Radio

Radio remains the most widely used communication medium in rural areas, giving voice to family farmers and engaging communities in development. Rural radio initiatives are active in Latin America, Asia and Africa as part of the UNDFF, fostering collaboration among radio stations, farmer organizations and rural institutions. A series of radio programmes are produced in local languages and shared through rural radio networks and ICTs, reaching over 8 million family farmers every year. 

Experience capitalization

Experience capitalization is a methodological process through which an experience is identified, analysed and documented, leading to knowledge creation (for example, good practices or lessons learned), which can be shared and used to generate change. Together with its partners, FAO has developed methods, tools and guidelines to develop capacities in communication, knowledge sharing and knowledge management. Discover examples of good practices and experience capitalized in different thematic areas here. 

ComDev Initiatives

FAO is promoting three regional initiatives and a global hub, enabling access to information, knowledge sharing and collaboration in ComDev between farmer organizations, rural radios, media networks and communication practitioners. Learn more about the initiatives here

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