Office of Communications

FAO and LinkedIn

About LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a business-related social networking site, found at, used primarily for professional interaction. Users create professional profiles, connect with other people in their fields, exchange experiences and information, and network for professional purposes.

The main feature of the site is to allow users to maintain a contact list of people with whom they have some level of relationship, called Connections. This list of connections can then be used in a number of ways, e.g. to find jobs, search for potential candidates. LinkedIn also allows users to research companies with which they may be interested in working, get statistics about the company and learn about available job offers.

FAO’s presence on LinkedIn

FAO’s corporate page, managed by OCC, is available via:

Sharing information via LinkedIn

Units / offices wishing to propose content for FAO’s corporate page should contact OCC ([email protected]).

To ensure timely posting, please send in your requests at least 3 working days ahead of the date you would like it to be posted. Make sure that you provide an URL for events, webinars and details on how to register for the events.

PDF files cannot be used on LinkedIn.

If your content is directed to a specific audience, you can consult OCC on the available targeting options.

Job announcements

LinkedIn automatically picks up and posts all FAO job announcements on the jobs page. Please note that only vacancies posted on the FAO employment page through Taleo are posted on LinkedIn. In case of issues, please contact the HR/Taleo team. 

Groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn permits the creation of groups that share interest in specific initiatives or projects. LinkedIn groups support a limited form of discussion area, moderated by the group owners and managers.

Groups may be private, accessible to members only or may be open to all LinkedIn users who can read what has been posted, though they must join in order to post messages.

FAO-related LinkedIn Groups will be attached to personal LinkedIn accounts, as LinkedIn does not allow the creation of generic/non-personal accounts. Therefore, owners of FAO-related groups should inform OCC before they create a group and ensure one or more colleagues, including from the social media team, are assigned as co-managers. The day-to-day management of the activities of the group (such as approval of new participants, comments, etc.) will be managed by the group managers. 

Before establishing a FAO LinkedIn Group, please discuss with the OCC ([email protected]) to register the name of the group and receive a briefing on LinkedIn.