Office of Communications

FAO and YouTube

About YouTube

YouTube is a video sharing Web site where users can upload, view and share videos. Unregistered users can view videos on the site, while registered users can also upload and comment on videos.

FAO currently has one corporate channel:

Creation of additional channels on YouTube (e.g. by decentralized offices, by headquarters units) is currently not allowed. This also applies to other video upload sites such as Vimeo, If you wish to share FAO’s video content via YouTube, please write to the FAO Video Team in OCC.


All materials proposed for upload to FAO YouTube channel must belong to FAO, i.e. be part of FAO's intellectual property. In some cases, when a video is shot by a partner organization, we may be granted permission to use it on our channel.

The material that is uploaded to the FAO YouTube channels must be of adequate quality to be relevant to the activities of the Organization and reflect positively on the Organization.

The following guidelines must be respected:

  • dialogue must be comprehensible and easily heard - when possible use a good microphone and a quiet room to record
  • as much as is possible, the footage should be stable – videos should not contain constant unstable movements and adjustments
  • where possible, persons must be identified with titles
  • any music should contribute to the message of the video and must be free of copyright - if in doubt, do not use it
  • any visual effects should be well executed
  • any on-screen text must be grammatically correct and free from spelling mistakes
  • do not use any material under copyright (footage, still photography, music, text, audio) unless explicit written permission is granted
  • videos must have been shot with the permission of any easily identifiable people appearing in the video (including FAO staff) (permission form)
  • videos must have been shot with the permission of the parent or legal guardian of any identifiable children appearing in the video (permission form)

All FAO videos must include the full Logo-block cover or animated bumper at the end for a duration of at least 3 seconds. 

FAO watermark should be placed on the top right-hand corner of the video. The watermark template is available for download from here and can be directly added to your video.

Videos for social media platforms

In addition to the general guidelines for videos, social media pieces (see example) should follow the FAO social media branding guidelines

Videos produced for FAO social media platforms should be cleared by FAO Social Media team. Please share the script prior to the production of the video with OCC.

Any video or photographic material shot by FAO employees while on duty / on mission for FAO is the property of the Organization.

In the cases where FAO videos are interviews of non-FAO employees, the following disclaimer should be added to the video:

The views or opinions presented in this video are solely those of the interviewee(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.

How to upload FAO video content to YouTube

FAO units and offices wishing to upload video or multimedia content to YouTube should use the FAO corporate channel:

Creation of additional FAO YouTube channels is currently not allowed. FAO takes no responsibility for videos uploaded to other YouTube channels or other video sharing tools.


1. Format your video

a) make sure your video is no more than 15 minutes in length. All videos longer than 15 minutes will be kept unlisted. 

b) for information on optimizing videos for YouTube, see YouTube's help page Optimising your video uploads.

2. Contact OCC to arrange the clearance and upload to FAO Channel. Be sure to download the request form, complete it and attach it to your request. All requests will be completed within 5 working days.

3. If your video is intended for social media dissemination please contact Social Media team for clearance and upload (request form) to YouTube channel (see above the section titled Videos for social media platforms). All requests will be completed within 5 working days.

Note: The title, description and keywords must be provided in the language used in the video. Therefore, if the video is in French, title, description and keywords must be provided in French.

If you require help, you can visit the YouTube Help Centre.

References and resources
  • FAO Video Production Guidelines [EN]
  • FAO Social Media Branding Guidelines [EN]