
©FAO/Iris Monnereau
Tuna and tuna-like fishes, most notably the yellowfin and Atlantic sailfish make up about 70 percent of the reported catches in Grenada. With an estimated 2 550 tonnes of fish caught annually, fisheries play an important role in the Grenadian economy, providing employment and income, food and food security, while also being a major source of foreign exchange. As a mainstay of the economy, fish is a key feature of local cuisine and diet. The fishing sector is predominantly small-scale commercial, supplying local markets and consumers with fresh fish. Furthermore, catch from the fishing vessels contributes to the export market.
©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
In spring of 2020, as the world shut down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, HELP Logistics continued to support its partners with logistics expertise. Together with FAO, the company undertook supply chain management (SCM) assessments in several countries with particularly challenging operational contexts, including Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Yemen - countries where even prior to the pandemic, food insecurity was widespread, and access issues were especially complicated due to infrastructure constraints and conflict.  In places where there is an elevated risk to food security and livelihoods, having a smooth supply chain is...
HELP Logistics (Kühne Foundation)
©FAO/Vasily Maksimov
Rome/Glasgow - An ambitious new initiative announced today aims to reduce commodity-driven deforestation and restore forest landscapes, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  USAID’s $13.7 million financial commitment to the new initiative, named The Forest Data Partnership, was announced at a dedicated side-event of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. The initiative will improve access to publicly available geospatial data to enhance the safeguarding and management of forest landscapes. Its work will constitute a...
Google LLC
©FAO/Veejay Villafranca
Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Grow Asia, a multi-stakeholder partnership platform that brings together farmers, the private sector, governments, NGOs and key stakeholders to foster inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems in Southeast Asia, have joined forces to improve the productivity, profitability and environmental sustainability of smallholder agriculture. The two organizations have a long-standing, though informal, collaboration, with Grow Asia most recently leading the private sector consultation during FAO’s 35th Session of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference in September 2020. The move towards a more formal partnership is welcomed by FAO as...
Grow Asia
©FAO/Alessia Pierdomenico
Rome - Public development banks are “part of the solution” to ending hunger and transforming agri-food systems, as they have the power and reach to narrow funding gaps and consolidate bridges between stakeholders, QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), said today. With their unique combination of development mandate, long-term perspective and ability to finance both the private and public sector, such banks can inject not only more financing into agri-food sectors, but also to provide better financing geared to promoting a more sustainable agriculture around the world, he said. The Director-General spoke at the...
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)

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