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Country Leaflet

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SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
TCP/SIL/3906 Piloting alternative models for Home Grown School Feeding in Kenema district 2023 2025224,000$
TCP/SIL/3903/C2 TCPF: Technical support for strengthening country`s capacity and resource gaps in accessing climate financing from the Green Climate Fund and other funding windows 2023 2024100,000$
TCP/SIL/3904 Technical Assistance for consolidating and Cascading Youth-at-Risk Empowerment and Social Cohesion Impacts 2023 2024216,000$
SymbolTitleFromtoTotal Budget
OSRO/SIL/031/USA Global Health Security (GHS) Project: Enhancing Animal Health and One Health capacities to mitigate zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risks and threats in Sierra Leone 2023 20271,500,000$
UTF /SIL/058/SIL Strengthening the Rice Value Chain in Sierra Leone through South-South Cooperation 2024 20285,000,000$
UTF /SIL/060/SIL Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Rice Agro Industrial Cluster (SL RAIC) Project 2024 2026599,963$
UTF /SIL/057/SIL Technical support for the implementation of the Food Systems Resilient Program, Sierra Leone Phase 2 2023 20244,276,316$
GCP /SIL/055/EC Support to Sustainable Forestry in Sierra Leone 2023 20262,934,885$
UNJP/SIL/056/UNO Mainstreaming the Human Security Approach by Improving Mining Sector Governance to Enhance Environment Sustainability and Resilient Livelihoods in Sierra Leone. 2023 2025111,174$