Developing entrepreneurship in the rural agricultural sector in Saudi Arabia

An initiative focused on “Promoting Rural Women Entrepreneurship and Enhancing Livelihoods in the Agriculture Sector” is currently underway in Saudi Arabia. The primary goal is to empower rural women by promoting skill development linked to agri-entrepreneurship to drive sustainable rural agricultural development. Under the ongoing project, “Strengthening MEWA’s Capacity to implement its Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development (SRAD) Programme,” carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture (MEWA) and Saudi REEF, FAO is supporting a peer-to-peer skill development initiative where successful local businesswomen empower more women from rural areas to establish their own agri-business ventures.
Drawing inspiration from Ms. Azza Souhail, who successfully runs a plant nursery business in Baljurashi, Al-Baha region, and is passionate about empowering other women, an innovative initiative has been launched in collaboration with her. Ms. Azza is training a group of women from Al Baha in the establishment and day-to-day management of plant nursery. The initiative began with selection of participants from the region who were keen to receive training and invest in plant nursery business. A comprehensive three-month programme was developed by the SRAD Fruit Component technical experts in collaboration with Ms. Azza and launched with the selected group of 12 women in February 2024. The training covers theoretical aspects and hands-on practical sessions demonstrated by Ms Azza in the plant nursery. Under her watchful guidance, the participants meet every week to learn about various plants and techniques of good horticultural practices and receive practical lessons on business aspects of managing plant nurseries.
Ms. Azza’s nursery is recognized and renowned in the region for offering a wide range of fruits seedlings as well as many beautiful seasonal flowers. Expressing her enthusiasm, she stated, "I am eager to continue sharing my knowledge and experience in plant nursery management with my sisters. This is the first time I have had this opportunity, and I thank FAO for it."
Preliminary feedback from all the trainees has been very positive. Participants are motivated and actively involved throughout the programme. Moving forward, the project will facilitate the preparation of business plans for the trained women, engage agriculture cooperatives and investment agencies that can provide financial support, and also strengthen their capacities in business management. It will establish and promote a platform for business awareness and infrastructure for supporting the development of innovative, rural women-centric agricultural projects in Saudi Arabia. Besides, leveraging local peer-to-peer support among women can open new opportunities for engaging more women in value addition in other SRAD commodities such as coffee production, honey and bee products, rose and jasmine cultivation, fisheries and livestock production.
Kakoli Ghosh, Chief Technical Advisor of the Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development Project (SRAD) in Saudi Arabia, stated, "Our strategies are designed to rapidly accelerate the involvement of rural women in sustainable agriculture and value addition in Saudi Arabia. This hands-on skill development approach will boost the confidence of rural women, enabling them to become entrepreneurs and engage in income generation. It also provides us with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the needs and demands at the grassroots level and address them."
Increasing the involvement of rural women in skill development and improving rural livelihoods through balanced economic growth aligns with Saudi Vision 2030 and SDG 10 on reducing inequality. By empowering women with knowledge, skills, and resources Saudi Arabia is reshaping agrifood system transformation and promoting better life and livelihoods. It is also driving a positive change for rural development through local collaboration.