Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP)
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Classifications and Metadata Standards
Methodological standards
 Microdata refer to data items that directly refer to individuals or legal entities. Aggregated data may present a risk for revealing the origin of the data but this risk is less than for microdata. More
 Time units The calendar year (Gregorian calendar, ISO 8601), i.e. the period between 1 January and 31 December, is the annual time unit normally used in fishery statistics. More
 For certain specific purposes (e.g. Antarctic fisheries, fiscal purposes) it may be deemed more appropriate to use a different 12-month period which may be referred to as a split year. Such situations arise when the sector under consideration exhibits appreciable... More
 In tabulations where space restricts the labeling of a split year to a single year or where data for calendar and split years are tabulated together, the practice is for the split year to be represented by the calendar year... More
 Classically, fisheries statistics document those components of the catches that are landed whether fishing is for commercial or recreational purposes. Bycatch may include seabirds, marine mammals and non-commercial fish and invertebrates and such bycatch is often discarded is often not... More
 Geological surveys provide information on sediment types and these data are useful in the identification of vulnerable habitats. Such data are not part of the fisheries statistics system although data are used in fisheries management. More
 Statistics on social and economic aspects of fisheries are required as part of an ecosystem approach. These data are discussed in section on social and economic fisheries statistics. More
 Documentation that fisheries impact is within sustainable limits is based on fisheries statistics supplemented with and analysis of these data normally summarized in the form of indicators. Such indicators are often related to reference points that have been agreed as... More
 Until recently the development at the international level of harmonized statistics on the number of fishers has been neglected. This is almost certainly due to the fact that, generally speaking, until about 20 years ago there was little effort at... More
 The term fishery fleet or fishery vessel refers to mobile floating platforms of any kind and size, operating in fresh, brackish or marine waters which are used for catching, harvesting, searching, transporting, landing, preserving and/or processing fish, shellfish and other... More
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